Card Journey for: [EV-EVERY]
kristenpol played EBB Card #1
Apr 6, 2010 -- Santa Cruz, CA
Card played 3 times.
Started on: Apr 6, 2010
Started by: kristenpol
In: Santa Cruz, CA
Flowers from my 6 year old
My sons were helping my husband garden today. A branch fell off of one of the Fuschia plants they were planting so my 6 year old saved it for me because it had a lot of pretty flowers on it. Sweet :)
kristenpol played EBB Card #1
Apr 6, 2010 -- Santa Cruz, CA
Card played 3 times.
Started on: Apr 6, 2010
Started by: kristenpol
In: Santa Cruz, CA
Cancer free
A friend of mine has been cancer-free for months now after dealing with numerous chemo treatments. She has two little boys and has been an amazing mom to them throughout her ordeal.
kristenpol played EBB Card #1
Apr 9, 2010 -- Alpharetta, GA
Card played 3 times.
Started on: Apr 6, 2010
Started by: kristenpol
In: Santa Cruz, CA
Books Make You Feel Better!
<p>I just read this *very* cool article about a teenager doing some serious Boom Boom! action. She has found that reading is one of only things that helps her with her severe (& un-treatable) pain, and thought books would help other kids as well. So she gathered books from friends and friends of friends and so on and received 3000 books! </p> <p> Here's a snippet and a link to the article: </p> <p> "A disease that Mackenzie Bearup compares to a bomb going off in her knee prompted the 16-year-old to seek escape in the comfort of reading. Now she's helping thousands of troubled children soothe their own pain -- within the pages of donated books." </p> <a href="http://www.cnn.com/2010/LIVING/04/08/cnnheroes.mackenzie.bearup/index.html?hpt=C1">CNN article is here</a> <img width="450" src="http://www.cnn.com/2010/LIVING/04/08/cnnheroes.mackenzie.bearup/t1larg.mackenzie.bearup.jpg" />
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