Card Journey for: [JF-2VSU7]
Silly Sue played ORIGINAL Card #19
Aug 10, 2010 -- Cuyahoga Falls, OH
Card played 2 times.
Started on: Jun 23, 2010
Started by: ricketh
In: Hudson, OH
Lack of Confidence
Someone I know very well was really down on themself about what they should be doing with their life. They new what it was they wanted to do and what they should be doing but had an enormous lack of confidence in themself to go for it. I decided it was time to speak up and tell them to wake up and look at the positive and not the negative and they would gain more self confidence in what they needed to do. They were hesitant but I didn't give up and finally they came around and are going for the opportunity and it is slowly starting to come all together for them the way it is suppose to.
This is such a good use of this card. Speaking up for what is right can mean anything and I love your interpretation of it. Everyone needs someone to tell them the truth and I think it's great you were brave enough to do it. Well played! Boom Boom!
Aug 12, 2010
ricketh played ORIGINAL Card #19
Jun 23, 2010 -- Hudson, OH
Card played 2 times.
Started on: Jun 23, 2010
Started by: ricketh
In: Hudson, OH
this one was simple and hard at the same time ... because several co-workers are the ones getting the cards from me after completing them, i need to keep this brief i had seen a supervisor being hard and critical on an employee for something that was actually the responsiblity and result of two other employees who just stood there providing almost no support. afterwards, i needed to speak to this supervisor about other work topics, but used this opportunity to explain that i thought he was being to hard on the employee and that he was not even responsible for. he then realized and acknowledged being wrong. later, the employee mentioned being apologized to...
Really great. You certainly made a difference for that person and probably made them feel better about both the job they were doing and themselves in general. Hard conversations are not easy so I applaud you for being brave enough to have it. Boom Boom!
Aug 12, 2010
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