Card Journey for: [EV-EVERY]
cail777 played EBB Card #1
Sep 10, 2010 -- Bend, OR
Card played 1 times.
Started on: Sep 10, 2010
Started by: cail777
In: Bend, OR
Three times better
Tyler, a kid at our school with a strong muscular disorder had bought a cookie at the snack bar. Another kid took his cookie and ate it knowing Tyler couldn`t do much about it... ): the next day when I heard about it, i felt really bad for him and wanted him to feel better, so i bought him THREE cookies. when I gave them to him he smiled and the teacher helping him thanked me, i felt realy good.
You are awesome! Truly awesome. Boom Boom! to you stepping up and doing the right thing. Well done.
Sep 10, 2010
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