Card Journey for: [3X-TURGJ]
The Tollees played FAMILY Card #16
Oct 12, 2010 -- North Saanich, BC
Card played 1 times.
Started on: Oct 12, 2010
Started by: The Tollees
In: North Saanich, BC
A Little Turkey Goes A Long Way
It was Thanksgiving weekend this past weekend here in Canada. My family got together on Sunday night at Grandpa and Gigi's house for a turkey feast. We normally get together for Sunday brunch where we draw our next boomboom card. As we skipped brunch that day to save room for all the mash, turkey, stuffing etc. we decided to draw our next card while sat around the dining room table eating our pumpkin pie. The card we drew challenged us to treat someone to an experience that we know they'd enjoy. My family thought about it for a moment and then we decided together that we (there are 8 of us in total) would each do our own thing for this one. We would select our own person to treat and then share our stories later. We also decided that the person we chose to do something for could not be one of the 8. The next night, I hosted my own Thanksgiving dinner for my mum at my place. As I sat eating my second turkey dinner in two days, I began to think of people I knew that didn't have family in the city and would more than likely, not be having a turkey dinner. I am a teacher. I have a colleague, a single guy, very kind, always has time for everyone. He lives on his own and has an aging mother that he takes care of. I wasn't sure if he had much family in the city, but I thought that he probably was not having a turkey dinner. That's when it occurred to me...the experience I would share would be a turkey dinner. So, I have filled a plate with leftovers, turkey, stuffing, sweet potato, cornbread...the works. I have placed it in the staffroom fridge with my colleagues name on it. I know he'll love it and he deserves it. He is such a great, giving guy. I can't wait to watch him slip into a turkey coma later this afternoon :)
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