Card Journey for: [PU-DX9BS]
MolloandEmmo played FAMILY Card #25
Nov 20, 2010 -- San Jose, CA
Card played 1 times.
Started on: Nov 20, 2010
Started by: MolloandEmmo
In: San Jose, CA
Going to the Mummy Museum!!!
We decided to take ourselves and one of M's friends to a museum we've never been to before. We headed to the Rosicrucian Museum in San Jose, as we've often talked about going there, but never have. At first Mollo said that she thought it would be boring, but she changed her mind when she got there! The girls especially enjoyed seeing the animal mummies and the tiny funerary figurines... and they even let me ramble on about Egyptian history :) We had a great time and went out to lunch at a restaurant of M and her friend's choosing. It was an excellent day!
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