Card Journey for: [EV-EVERY]
Alivia's Mama played EBB Card #1
Apr 11, 2011 -- Windsor, NS
Card played 2 times.
Started on: Apr 11, 2011
Started by: Alivia's Mama
In: Windsor, NS
Spare Change
A few weeks back I was in to the grocery store, there was a gentleman before me who was only buying a box of crackers. I heard him say he was a nickle short and seen this look come over him. As the Cashier stood there just looking at him blankly, I spoke right up and offered him a nickle out of my wallet. The smile on his face was worth a thousand nickles. He said that was very kind of me and said he will remember that next time he sees me. the feeling that came over me was so nice and put a big smile on my face. simple things can make anyones day! Even your own!
Alivia's Mama played EBB Card #1
Apr 11, 2011 -- Windsor, NS
Card played 2 times.
Started on: Apr 11, 2011
Started by: Alivia's Mama
In: Windsor, NS
A Flower Just Because
My family and I live on the main floor of an apartment building, all of whom are older couples and single older ladies. I had this thought come to mind, I want to make atleast one persons day. So my Daughter and I went to the store and bought a dozen yellow roses. We took them home and wrapped each one in tissue paper and attached one of her Valentines. we than took them around door to door to everyone. some people werent home so we left them at their door. The ones who were home couldn't believe we did such a nice thing for them. one lady on our floor still says that rose made her day. It only takes a minute to show someone they are special. Thinking we may do it again soon... a just because flower. :-D The simple things mean the most!!!
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