Card Journey for: [QQ-W2P27]
misspetty played ORIGINAL Card #26
Jun 15, 2011 -- Santa Cruz, CA
Card played 1 times.
Started on: Jun 15, 2011
Started by: misspetty
In: Santa Cruz, CA
You didn't know it was your half birthday?!?!
My younger sister, Vanessa has her half birthday on my birthday! That made it easy to decide this card was made for her! So a few days before my birthday I put together a little package to send to her. I put a few candles in it with home-made stickers on them stating that one candle was for "strength" and the other was for "love". I knew she was going through a hard time in her relationship and also having some financial struggle. Also in the package I put a Safeway gift card and some skittles, her favorite. She called me the day before my birthday crying. (Darn my poor evaluation of how long it would take the package to arrive at her house!) She said it was completely unexpected and it arrived at the perfect time because she had been having a rough day (maybe my timing wasn't all that bad). I was stoked to be a part of anything that could make her smile, because she deserves nothing less. I think I might have to do this card a couple more times before passing it on because I am sure sending this package made me feel just as good as it made Vanessa feel!
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