Card Journey for: [CN-7EW7Y]
AshLynM played ORIGINAL Card #1
Aug 5, 2011 -- Tallahassee, FL
Card played 1 times.
Started on: Aug 5, 2011
Started by: AshLynM
In: Tallahassee, FL
Red Eye
So, I'd been wanting to play this card for a while, but never could get up the courage to talk to a stranger, and I'm not in coffee shops often. I finally found a great time to do it one weekend when I went to a coffee shop to surf the web on my laptop. I live in a college town so there's always young people at coffee shops on the weekends studying. A girl walked in behind me getting ready to order after me and I was super nervous, but I asked her if I could buy her a cup of coffee and she said yes! I was super excited and she was very surprised. We didn't get to talk much because she was on her way to spend a day with her mom, but it was neat!
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