Card Journey for: [AR-5C99L]
misspetty played ORIGINAL Card #24
Aug 21, 2011 -- Santa Cruz, CA
Card played 1 times.
Started on: Aug 21, 2011
Started by: misspetty
In: Santa Cruz, CA
I should have done this sooner......
The moment I picked up this card I knew exactly how it needed to be played. It only made me sad to think I hadn't done it sooner. (Thank you Boom Boom! for reminding me, yet again, what is most important in this world. So often we forget.) I waited a few days after pulling the card, then I called my mom. "Hey Mom, how are you? There is something I want to tell you." "Okay, What is it? What happened?" "Nothing happened. I just called to tell you that I am sorry." "Oh great, what have you done now, Bry" "Nothing! Don't you remember I am your favorite child?!?!" "Yeah sure, like I have a favorite" "Alright, your second favorite?" "Sure." "Anyways, where can I begin....I want to apologize for everything I have ever done that has caused you grief, anxiety or hardship. You have been an amazing mother and I couldn't have asked for more in a mother. I also want to thank you for everything you have done, sacrificed and demanded of and for me." SILENCE "Mom?" "Mom!" (Did I get disconnected on such an important call!?!?!?) "Yeah, I'm here. I just wasn't expecting that. I thought you were going to say you were calling from jail, or something like that with such a preface." "Hahaha, not this call. I just want to make sure you know how sorry I am for every time I failed to realize you were right." "Well, thanks sweetie. Glad you realized it before you had kids. Hahahaha. That means a lot, Bry" "I hoped it would, because you mean a lot to me." Of course this is a reconstruction of the conversation and it continued long afterwards, but I felt a change after all of it. All of the sudden our relationship felt more solid. I am not sure how else to describe it. So often I forget all that my mom sacrificed for me and look back on my past only thinking about what I went through and not what SHE went through for me. This card was powerful.
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