Card Journey for: [EV-EVERY]
ricketh played EBB Card #1
Aug 23, 2011 -- Cuyahoga Falls, OH
Card played 4 times.
Started on: Jun 18, 2010
Started by: ricketh
In: Stow, OH
thank you and congrats
thank you helene, thank you mary beth. and a huge congratulations to both of you. 5000 booms. thank you for taking a simple idea of kindness, and turning into a fun project for many and spreading it so far around. boom boom has been a fun and positive influence in my daily life. i've always looked for acts of kindness, but with the revolution, i have been more intentional about it. even when i'm not playing a card, i am still more aware of doing something positive, being kind or spreading a little happiness. maybe i need to start logging in some boom booms and get these cards circulating again. many thanks God Bless smile, peace and boom boom rick
Thanks so much Rick! You just added the cherry on top of an already momentous day. You've certainly been one of our more active Revolutionaries in quantity of posts, getting other people to join in and commenting often on others good deeds. I'm so very glad you found us! Boom Boom!
Aug 23, 2011
Awww Rick, this is the nicest! Thank you so much for taking the time to acknowledge this milestone. We are thrilled to have come this far and so grateful to you for being our champion for much of this journey. You have been an instrumental member of the Boom Boom! Community and helped it become what it is today. I agree with Helene, I am SO glad you found us. Much gratitude and Boom Boom! to you.
Aug 24, 2011
ricketh played EBB Card #1
Jun 18, 2010 -- Stow, OH
Card played 4 times.
Started on: Jun 18, 2010
Started by: ricketh
In: Stow, OH
the other night, me and my fiancee were out shopping for clothes. we had a 30% off coupon that we were using, most shoppers had a 15 or 20% coupon, so we were lucky. after using the coupon and realizing that it was still good to use, my fiancee passed the coupon onto a young mother and her child that was in the checkout line who didnt have a coupon ... wow her face lit up with joy
Great timing. Great idea. So simple with big impact. And seems like she chose the perfect people to pass it along to!
Jun 19, 2010
ricketh played EBB Card #1
Aug 25, 2010 -- Hudson, OH
Card played 4 times.
Started on: Jun 18, 2010
Started by: ricketh
In: Stow, OH
i lost my poor meatball
lunchtime today at work, i was heating up a frozen meals in the microwave for myself and Andria. Renee was waiting for the microwave and checking out what we had to eat and said it sounded good and asked where we got it. quick chat about a couple other meals. i finished up in the microwave and was leaving, when i turned to see that Renee had dropped heal meal all over the floor, a nice leftover pasta and meatballs. i quickly helped her clean up the mess, then i left my lunch on her desk for her to have and told her that she wanted to try it, so now it was hers to have for lunch. i paid a quick visit to the vending machine and got myself a lunchable and a can of coke and life is just fine she later came up to my office and was very grateful and thankful for helping her cleanup and giving her my lunch, which she said was good boom boom
Silly Sue
You are a terrific person and I am proud to call you my son. Even if I am older than you, I have learned from you All of your Boom Boom activities have touched my heart.
Aug 25, 2010
Love the title of your story! Made me giggle and sing the little song (which my officemates, I'm sure, appreciated!). How thoughtful of you to give up your lunch and turn to the vending machine. I think if we all shared our meals a little more often, the world would be a better place.
Aug 30, 2010
Thats realy nice of you to do that! Im sure she apriciated the help and meal!
Sep 9, 2010
ricketh played EBB Card #1
Sep 29, 2011 -- Hudson, OH
Card played 4 times.
Started on: Jun 18, 2010
Started by: ricketh
In: Stow, OH
national coffee day
my favorite card is buy a stranger a cup of coffee, but since i don't have that card any more, here we are ... today is National Coffee day ... i called dunkin donuts this morning and placed a pick-up order for coffee, then i took a break from work without telling anyone, stopped at dunkin donuts and picked up two boxes of coffee complete with cups, sugars and creamers. i dropped the coffee off at work in areas where there's a mixture of co-workers i've known for years, and newer employees that i don't really know. several co-workers came back and thanks me for the coffee. i'm happy, i had coffee and created a few smiles
Fantastic work, you've definitely gone the extra mile with this one!
Oct 28, 2011
thank you
Oct 28, 2011
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