Card Journey for: [EV-EVERY]
chillcruz played EBB Card #1
Nov 19, 2011 -- Santa Cruz, CA
Card played 16 times.
Started on: Apr 8, 2010
Started by: chillcruz
In: Phoenix, AZ
I am struck and impressed by how many people volunteer their time to make a community great. Today, it was the Santa Cruz Track Team making sure hundreds of runners could enjoy a Turkey Trot. Boom Boom! to all the volunteers in the world.
chillcruz played EBB Card #1
Apr 8, 2010 -- Phoenix, AZ
Card played 16 times.
Started on: Apr 8, 2010
Started by: chillcruz
In: Phoenix, AZ
Hugs in Arizona
I was in Phoenix for an educational conference and trade show a few weeks ago and had an awesome moment! As my colleague and I approached the convention center for some more slow hours of standing in a booth, two young men stood on the corner with signs...see photo. These guys are students at Arizona State University and decided they needed to get out in the world and have some fun as well as bring some joy to others. One held a sign that said, "Free Hugs" and the other held a sign, "$1 Deluxe Hugs". At first, I struggled with which to go for, and then I realized, "Hey, I can do both...a free and a $1 hug. Fantastic guys and great huggers! Thanks fellas and Boom Boom!
chillcruz played EBB Card #1
May 1, 2010 -- Santa Cruz, CA
Card played 16 times.
Started on: Apr 8, 2010
Started by: chillcruz
In: Phoenix, AZ
Ride a Wave!
Saturday morning in Santa Cruz...watched as Ride a Wave Foundation volunteers (http://www.rideawave.org/) put smiles on special needs kids' faces by getting them in the ocean. The laughter and joy was contagious. Truly Boom Boom!
chillcruz played EBB Card #1
Jul 17, 2010 -- New York, NY
Card played 16 times.
Started on: Apr 8, 2010
Started by: chillcruz
In: Phoenix, AZ
New Yorkers steppin' up again
While walking through New York tonight on vacation I stepped off the curb and sprained my ankle pretty bad. I was sitting on the curb, deciding what to do next and catch my breath and the waiter from Malatesta Restaurant came out with a glass of water and ice pack. Then once I got back to SoHotel the door guy offered to carry me up the four flights of stairs...Thank you guys for your attention and compassion.
chillcruz played EBB Card #1
Jul 30, 2010 -- Santa Cruz, CA
Card played 16 times.
Started on: Apr 8, 2010
Started by: chillcruz
In: Phoenix, AZ
Thoughtful acts
Being laid up with a busted ankle in the middle of a vacation...not so fun. But today a good friend stopped by with a book for me to read...so thoughtful.
Jul 31, 2010
chillcruz played EBB Card #1
Aug 31, 2010 -- Santa Cruz, CA
Card played 16 times.
Started on: Apr 8, 2010
Started by: chillcruz
In: Phoenix, AZ
Boom Boomers
Today's everyday Boom Boom goes out to those folks who are playing the Boom Boom cards. How great that there is a group of people who get to share the passion of making the world a better place. And thanks for motivating and inspiring me.
chillcruz played EBB Card #1
Sep 13, 2010 -- Los Gatos, CA
Card played 16 times.
Started on: Apr 8, 2010
Started by: chillcruz
In: Phoenix, AZ
From Apple to Zade
I was in an Apple store yesterday and while making a purchase, another customer walked by me and the young man (Zade) who was helping me. She stopped, turned around and said to Zade, "Hey, you're the guy who did that awesome speech at Los Gatos High School yesterday." He humbly smiled and said, "Yeah" and the lady began to shower him with praise and compliments about how impressed she and her family were and that they were talking about him at dinner last night. Zade just smiled and took the compliments with grace. Turns out that Zade took second place in Nationals for his humorous interpretation last year, competing for Leland High School and he was doing a reprise of it this weekend for a local speech and debate event. Then, it turns out that Zade had been part of student organization (Link Crew) at Leland a couple of years ago when I worked with them. This interaction was cool on a number of fronts: the woman who took the time to stop and let Zade know how much she appreciated his talent; Zade so graciously listening and also loving the appreciation he was being shown; and seeing how this young man has continued to grow as a community leader and citizen since I had seen him a couple years ago. I walked out of the Apple store with a very cool new toy, and even more so, a feeling that there are so many good people in the world!
chillcruz played EBB Card #1
Oct 8, 2010 -- Santa Cruz, CA
Card played 16 times.
Started on: Apr 8, 2010
Started by: chillcruz
In: Phoenix, AZ
Everyday niceness
Not a big deal, but as I ran errands today, I was struck by how nice the people working in stores were. And when one of the places was closed for remodeling, a lady driving by stopped and told me where I could find their temporary location. It made some tedious time much more enjoyable and well as just put me in a better mood! Thanks for the little things peeps!
Kid Krusaders
Hey nice job! Even little acts of kindness make the world a better place! from Kid Krusaders,
Oct 10, 2010
chillcruz played EBB Card #1
Nov 6, 2010 -- Washington, DC
Card played 16 times.
Started on: Apr 8, 2010
Started by: chillcruz
In: Phoenix, AZ
Sitting at the base of the Capitol Building in DC, listening to some music and these three songs played in a row: Five for Fighting's "World", Jack Johnson's "My Own Two Hands", and Johnny Lang's "Anything is Possible". A three song anthem to creating the Boom Boom world that we want. Fight on fellow Revolutionaries!
Now if that isn't serendipitous inspiration, I don't know what is. Truly very Boom Boom!
Nov 6, 2010
Nov 6, 2010
chillcruz played EBB Card #1
Nov 8, 2010 -- Marlborough, MA
Card played 16 times.
Started on: Apr 8, 2010
Started by: chillcruz
In: Phoenix, AZ
Cousin love
I am starting World Kindness Week a little early. After reading a FB post about me being homesick, my cousin, Laura, called me just to say hi and talk while I was in the middle of a long business roadtrip. That's a great Boom Boom! Thanks Laura. Cousins are the best!
Way to kick of World Kindness Week 2010. Such a kind thing for your cousin to do. Boom Boom!
Nov 8, 2010
wow that is a great story I love my cousins they are just so nice!! Well good for you. Boom Boom! :)
Nov 8, 2010
chillcruz played EBB Card #1
Jan 21, 2011 -- Santa Cruz, CA
Card played 16 times.
Started on: Apr 8, 2010
Started by: chillcruz
In: Phoenix, AZ
Chalk drawings
Yesterday I ran 50K to celebrate my 50th birthday...I planned to do this alone as I wanted it to be a personal and reflective time and while I didn't have anyone beside me for most of the run, I had 5 people helping lift my feet and spirits with chalk drawings and messages on the road and sidewalks all along the route. From the first one at sunrise saying, "Good Morning Chill" to the last being a finish line at my driveway, the encouragement and support was endless. And the Boom Boom! bonus was that others got to see positive phrases while they enjoyed their walks, runs and bike rides. A big shout out and thank you to the Boom Boom! Crew!!!
chillcruz played EBB Card #1
Feb 14, 2011 -- New York, NY
Card played 16 times.
Started on: Apr 8, 2010
Started by: chillcruz
In: Phoenix, AZ
Water from the Chi-town boys
While MB and I were in the booth at the Toy Fair in NY, we have had some great conversations with some awesome people and one of the best was with two guys from Chicago who work for Office Max. After a very long intereaction filled with heart, some doubt and laughter, they met our Boom Boom challenge to bring an exhibitor a bottle of water by bringing us two bottles and perhaps a greater belief in the power of Boom Boom. Thanks Marc and Bill!
chillcruz played EBB Card #1
Jun 15, 2011 -- Santa Cruz, CA
Card played 16 times.
Started on: Apr 8, 2010
Started by: chillcruz
In: Phoenix, AZ
Grocery Store Goodness
As I was grocery shopping last night, I passed a woman who was very much in a hurry, throwing things in her basket and almost running down the aisle...until an older, confused man stopped her to slowly ask if she could help him find the dry ranch style dressing packets (not even in the aisle where we were). She paused, took a deep breath, touched him gently on the arm, smiled and said, "That would probably be over a couple aisles...let's go see if we can find it." I felt like I was watching a commercial about doing good. And then I realized, nope, I'm just watching good people live a good life. Boom Boom! busy lady!
Alivia's Mama
Nice! Thanks for Sharing. :)
Jun 15, 2011
chillcruz played EBB Card #1
Jun 19, 2011 -- Santa Cruz, CA
Card played 16 times.
Started on: Apr 8, 2010
Started by: chillcruz
In: Phoenix, AZ
Unsolicited offers to help
Yesterday a friend and I moved furniture that we had purchased from a local wine store going out of business. We had to make a series of four trips back and forth from the store to the car and it was not a short distance. While most people watched us struggle somewhat there were two guys who offered to help. First it was a self proclaimed "vagrant" who helped me get chairs into the back of our car and then a couple of trips later, a 17ish year old stopped and wanted to help us carry two pretty heavy tables. And while we declined his offer (probably should have let him help...I'm still working on that one), I watched him as he didn't move on until he had seen we had crossed the street safely and loaded the tables. Two guys, different lives, same heart. Thanks fellas. Boom Boom!
chillcruz played EBB Card #1
Apr 19, 2012 -- Portland, OR
Card played 16 times.
Started on: Apr 8, 2010
Started by: chillcruz
In: Phoenix, AZ
Nice guy.
Portland Airport. Having a drink. Very nice, sincere server who had a rough night and keeps smiling and doing a great job. Tipped him extra big because he is awesome.
chillcruz played EBB Card #1
Jan 23, 2014 -- Santa Cruz, CA
Card played 16 times.
Started on: Apr 8, 2010
Started by: chillcruz
In: Phoenix, AZ
Holding Hands
A gaggle of second graders walking on a local field trip. As they approached a busy intersection, each of them grabbed the hand of another to hold hands as they crossed. Remember to hold hands of someone when facing danger. Boom Boom!
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