Card Journey for: [CN-ERTW7]
Boom Boom Room played ORIGINAL Card #1
Jul 2, 2012 -- Santa Cruz, CA
Card played 3 times.
Started on: Jul 2, 2012
Started by: Boom Boom Room
In: Santa Cruz, CA
LuLu's Coffee Love
Made a mid-morning trip downtown to buy coffee for all the hard working folks in the Boom Boom! Room. We love LuLu Carpenter's...it's our go-to coffee shop; their cappuccinos are the best and, truthfully, have fueled much of the revolution over the last three years. While in line I decided to play Card Number 1 on the nice woman in front of me. She was a little taken aback at first and thought maybe there was a "catch" of some kind. I assured her it was a genuinely kind act with no strings attached and she finally relented. She ordered her soy cap and must have said thank you a thousand times. As she left she turned around with a huge smile and waved, said thank you again along with, "You just made my day!" The best part? She put the money that she was going to use to buy her coffee in the barista's tip jar. Boom Boom!
1 Nice
katethomason7 played ORIGINAL Card #1
Jul 3, 2012 -- Hanalei, HI
Card played 3 times.
Started on: Jul 2, 2012
Started by: Boom Boom Room
In: Santa Cruz, CA
Shave Ice Paradise!
Well, while Kauai coffee is delicious, shave ice gives it a run for its money. Leo and Bennett (ages 9 and 5) played their first card today while enjoying their final shave ice of their vacation. The two people behind us were a bit taken aback when we offered to buy their shave ice. It took some convincing and some reassuring, but they finally agreed to let the Boom Boom! happen. AND, when they were leaving, the gentleman put what they were going to pay (and perhaps a little extra) into our (what's the barista word for shave ice artist??) shave ice artist's tip jar. The pictures below show, in order, the moment before Leo tells the people he's going to buy their shave ice (they are standing directly behind him), the two boys ordering, the happy couple walking away, and the two boys proudly standing in front of the stand shave ice stand after the mission was accomplished. Boom BOOM! and Mahalo!
1 Nice
Helene played ORIGINAL Card #1
Jul 5, 2012 -- Santa Cruz, CA
Card played 3 times.
Started on: Jul 2, 2012
Started by: Boom Boom Room
In: Santa Cruz, CA
With Verve for YOU!
This time I opted for complete anonymity. I bought a gift card at Verve (local coffee & tea house), and asked the barista to please hand off to the next "spent" looking person, that person who looked like they could use a totally unexpected act of kindness. Hope your day was brightened stranger! Boom Boom!
I'm stealing this idea :)
Jul 28, 2012
Cool... I like how it slyly recruits the barista as well. A two-fer. ;)
Jul 31, 2012
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