Card Journey for: [NQ-XDEH8]
Cc played ORIGINAL Card #8
Aug 9, 2012 -- High River, AB
Card played 1 times.
Started on: Aug 9, 2012
Started by: Cc
In: High River, AB
getting in touch
Fell out of contact with a girlfriend over the last couple of years. No rocky relationship, just grew apart. Dropped a note to say hello and express my appreciation for the role she played in my life.
You'll have to let us know if she responds to you at all!
Aug 9, 2012
Recieved this in my inbox today "Hey Lady! That was the nicest thing anybody has done for me in a long time:) Brought tears to my eyes and definitely gave me something to think about! Thank you ever so much " Made me very happy :)
Aug 10, 2012
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