Card Journey for: [CN-5BN5X]
chillcruz played ORIGINAL Card #1
Jan 21, 2015 -- San Diego, CA
Card played 3 times.
Started on: Jul 26, 2012
Started by: mb
In: New York, NY
Coffee, Chai or Cool?
This morning at our local coffee place, I offered to buy coffee for the young man in front of me. Even though he looked at me like I had three heads, I insisted. He was unsure as to my motivation and I assured him that I was just interested in making his day a little brighter, to which he said, "Man, that's so cool. You're cool. Dude, the world just gets cooler and cooler." Then he said, "Cool if I have a chai latte, instead of coffee?" And I responded by saying, "Whatever you want is cool by me." All in all, it was a very cool morning. And, I agree, the world is getting cooler by the day, especially with Boom Boom! Cards in it.
1 Nice
Agent K
This is so cool! ;P
Jan 23, 2015
mb played ORIGINAL Card #1
Jul 26, 2012 -- New York, NY
Card played 3 times.
Started on: Jul 26, 2012
Started by: mb
In: New York, NY
Coffee and a Compliment
On my way to a meeting this morning I stopped in Starbucks and decided to play this card. I was standing at one register and a nice woman was standing at another register next to me. I heard her order and just before the sales person gave her the total, I interrupted and said, "Add it to mine." She looked at me and said, "What?! Oh, honey, I've got it." I insisted. She smiled and said, "Well, this is a blessing. And this is a blessed day." That made me smile because I felt like she blessed my day by saying that. As I left she said thank you again and then, "And you look real nice in that dress too, honey." Tha made me smile too. Boom Boom!
knittypace played ORIGINAL Card #1
Oct 2, 2015 -- Burlington, VT
Card played 3 times.
Started on: Jul 26, 2012
Started by: mb
In: New York, NY
Coffee for a kid
I bought a cup of coffee for a young man who was homeless and panhandling on the street. The smile on his face when I handed him the cup warmed my heart. Even though at that moment I couldn't do more for him, I knew he had a little comfort and warmth for the few minutes he enjoyed the hot cup of coffee.
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