Card Journey for: [MC-8AYNP]
kimikopete played ORIGINAL Card #7
Jan 31, 2016 -- Herndon, VA
Card played 1 times.
Started on: Jan 31, 2016
Started by: kimikopete
In: Herndon, VA
Trapped by the Blizzard
Last Friday we had a blizzard and got 30" of snow. Though Friday is a normal trash pick up day, the trash collection company did not pick up. Perhaps they were concerned about being stuck in the snow if they went out even though the snow did not start until 1:00pm. In any case, my family had 1 can out to be picked up along with our (very trashy) neighbors who had 1 can out and some loose kitchen bags out. By-the-way these neighbors are renting one of the houses on our private drive. Needless-to-say, the trash got buried in the snow. By Monday, some of the snow had melted, compacted, and was heavy and icy. Our 2 cans were trapped. So I went ahead and dug out our can and the neighbor's can in preparation for Tuesday's pick up. After I dug out our cans and moved them around, I noticed a couple of loose bags under the snow. I had forgotten that the neighbors had some loose kitchen bags out. So I decided to be nice and dug out the 2 loose bags. However, I then noticed there was another bag! So I dug that out too! Mind you, shoveled snow had been piled on top of these bags by us digging out our private drive as well as by the snow plows! So this was not an easy task. (Side note: Not once during the storm, did our neighbors ever help shovel the private drive that we share!) I felt good once I was able to dig out their 3rd bag of trash. Good deed done! BUT NO! Once I pulled out the 3rd bag of trash, I saw 2 more! I decided to give up and see if the neighbors would take care of it themselves. After all, the trash would be picked up the next day, the neighbors would get their can and notice their other bags that were left behind buried under 3 ft of icy snow. NOT! I waited all week and noticed that some animal got into one of their bags and loose trash was now flowing out. SO.....today (Sunday) I finally decided to go and dig out their remaining bags. I just finished. What I thought was 2 more bags turned out to be 5 bags! (including broken glass!) In sum, I dug up a total of 8 loose trash bags that were not mine. It's finally cleaned up. I'm frustrated but glad I did it and feel good about it.
By i say doing kindness is like being on a train always going forward the more the more momentum great job!
Feb 1, 2016
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