Card Journey for: [P7-C2LES]
oshea played ORIGINAL Card #21
Feb 24, 2016 -- Broadbeach Waters, QLD
Card played 1 times.
Started on: Feb 24, 2016
Started by: oshea
In: Broadbeach Waters, QLD
I mowed the neighbour's neighbour's lawn
I know it's not cleaning, but it falls under the category of home maintenance ;) ....... For a few years now we have taken care of mowing our neighbour's front lawn.... no big deal, we just mow in front of her place when we mow ours. A week or so ago, when the neighbours two doors up mowed their lawn, they also mowed a big part of our neighbour's lawn, so when I was mowing our lawn yesterday, I thought I'd return the favour and mowed our lawn, our neighbour's lawn and also our neighbour's neighbour's lawn. Can you tell I enjoy mowing?
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