Card Journey for: [QQ-D3FU3]
kimikopete played ORIGINAL Card #26
May 13, 2016 -- Herndon, VA
Card played 2 times.
Started on: May 13, 2016
Started by: kimikopete
In: Herndon, VA
Happy Half Birthday!
This morning I dropped off a card and homemade Coconut Lime Sugar Scrub for a friend in my neighborhood. She was very surprised and had to count to make sure it was her half birthday! On a misty rainy day, she found a nice surprise waiting for her on her porch!
zuks38 played ORIGINAL Card #26
Sep 15, 2023 -- Herndon, Virginia
Card played 2 times.
Started on: May 13, 2016
Started by: kimikopete
In: Herndon, VA
Better late than never.
I came across this card I received from a dear neighborhood friend way back in 2016. Thank you to her for it, I'm sure I enjoyed it! I always intended to pass it on (just didn't think it would be 7 years later), so today I am forcing myself to finally do it. So thrilled to see a dear crafting friend's half birthday is next week. She so deserves this (and more) and I hope it makes her day.
1 Nice
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