Card Journey for: [Q4-TSJ7C]
LMMadeira played ORIGINAL Card #22
Dec 28, 2016 -- Taunton, MA
Card played 1 times.
Started on: Dec 28, 2016
Started by: LMMadeira
In: Taunton, MA
A Quick, But Heartfelt, Thank You
I am usually very good about thanking people in a timely fashion, but a few weeks ago I received a Christmas present from someone I haven't seen in a long time, and I still hadn't thanked her (until today). I was very touched that she had thought of me (and my kids) and I kept meaning to give her a call or send a text, but with all the running around getting ready for Christmas, I kept putting it off. Today, when I went through the Boom Boom cards and saw one that required "a genuine thank you," I knew what I needed to do. I reached out to her and gave her a genuine, heartfelt thank you for thinking of me and my kids at Christmas time. It felt great to acknowledge her thoughtfulness, and I know she appreciated it too.
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