Card Journey for: [DV-L7GMS]
ambrinkman played TEEN Card #9
Dec 28, 2016 -- Verona, WI
Card played 1 times.
Started on: Dec 28, 2016
Started by: ambrinkman
In: Verona, WI
Out for lunch
I was out for lunch with my aunts and cousins after getting our nails done. As we were leaving I held the door for them and the family behind them. I was surprised that only a couple of them said thank you to me.
I have a 10-year old son who loves holding the door for people and I'm always somewhat surprised by how many people don't thank him. I've encouraged him to keep doing it anyway and to focus on the fact that he is doing a good thing rather than expecting acknowledgement from others. But, it's pretty sad that so many grown-ups would fail to thank a little boy who is doing something nice (without being asked!). Anyway, it was a nice thing for you to do (even if the recipients of your kindness didn't appreciate it!).
Dec 29, 2016
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