Card Journey for: [WC-68DU6]
angelita16 played FAMILY Card #10
Jan 14, 2017 -- Ankeny, IA
Card played 1 times.
Started on: Jan 14, 2017
Started by: angelita16
In: Ankeny, IA
No electronics!!
It all happened because my 7 year old, without having any idea that a card on this topic existed, came to my room one morning and said, "Mom, you know what we should of today? You should turn off your cell phone, your iPad, and your laptop so you can spend time with me!" I was a little crest fallen because it acknowledged the fact that am not here enough and am at work too much. So we opted to shut everything off for the whole weekend. My stomach was a little in knots because so much of my life revolves around my phone with text and email (and Facebook). But I committed to it and IT WAS AWESOME. I actually felt so relaxed knowing that I wasn't responsible for checking email or text and if someone really wanted me, they could call my home phone. We spent all weekend together doing fun activities and I so enjoyed the kiddos. It was so good, that we are going to try and do this on a regular basis! I highly recommend it!
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