Card Journey for: [DN-NWCKR]
jakemaxsiena played FAMILY Card #7
Mar 1, 2017 -- Sherborn, MA
Card played 2 times.
Started on: Jan 29, 2017
Started by: Yerre Family
In: Sherborn, MA
Post Snow Storm Cleanup
We scootered around our neighborhood with trash bags to see how much litter we could find. We were surprised in a "semi rural" town how much we found and we guessed how and why each piece ended up where it did.
Yerre Family played FAMILY Card #7
Jan 29, 2017 -- Sherborn, MA
Card played 2 times.
Started on: Jan 29, 2017
Started by: Yerre Family
In: Sherborn, MA
No more litterbugs!
We went on a walk/bike ride around our neighborhood today and picked up all the trash we found along the way. We found a lot of the usual litter as well as some oddball things: a pair of socks, a real plate, etc. We tried to imagine how and why the stuff had gotten there. It really drove home that nobody in our family wants to be a litterbug!
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