Card Journey for: [NQ-HTTJM]
Punkalibra played ORIGINAL Card #8
Jul 18, 2017 -- Wise, Virginia
Card played 2 times.
Started on: Jan 28, 2016
Started by: Ang_Harv
In: Wise, VA
Reconnected with a very old friend
When I was in elementary school, my best friend and I were super close. We hung out all the time and were friends for years. However, we had very different backgrounds and eventually drifted apart. I recently discovered her on Facebook and sent a friend request :)
3 Nices
Ang_Harv played ORIGINAL Card #8
Jan 28, 2016 -- Wise, VA
Card played 2 times.
Started on: Jan 28, 2016
Started by: Ang_Harv
In: Wise, VA
My College Roommate
My college roommate and I have not really talked in a few years. We were best friends for 15, and dated on and off for about 10 years. Somehow with growing older and having families, I realized that it has been 2 years since he and I have exchanged more than a birthday or holiday card. I just sent him an extra message as a belated birthday wish to actually talk to each other for a bit. He is preparing for a new baby, so hopefully he has a few minutes to spare. We have both always been dreadful at keeping up long distance friendships, but hopefully we can reconnect. I would hate to inadvertently lose someone who was for the longest time my closest friend and confidant.
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