Card Journey for: [BQ-HBB74]
knittypace played ORIGINAL Card #12
Aug 22, 2017 -- Burlington, VT
Card played 2 times.
Started on: Aug 22, 2017
Started by: knittypace
In: Burlington, VT
Letters At Camp
My husband and I just picked up our son from almost a month at camp. During that time our whole family wrote to letters to each other. When we got to his cabin -- he's 14 -- all of our cards and notes were lovingly posted all around his bunk. Our letters were among his most prized possessions at camp. So grateful to have a kid who's not afraid to show he loves his family!
3 Nices
I love this.
Aug 23, 2017
knittypace played ORIGINAL Card #12
Aug 22, 2017 -- Burlington, VT
Card played 2 times.
Started on: Aug 22, 2017
Started by: knittypace
In: Burlington, VT
Letters from Camp
My husband and I just picked up our son from almost a month at camp. During that time our whole family wrote to letters to each other. When we got to his cabin -- he's 14 -- all of our cards and notes were lovingly posted all around his bunk. Our letters were among his most prized possessions at camp. So grateful to have a kid who's not afraid to show he loves his family!
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