Card Journey for: [QE-UYN97]
Wandering Wilsons played FAMILY Card #17
Jan 13, 2018 -- Longview, Texas
Card played 1 times.
Started on: Jan 13, 2018
Started by: Wandering Wilsons
In: Longview, Texas
“Wood’nt You Know”
It’s cold here in Texas...in the 20s right now. There is a woman our family knows who lives alone with her disabled son. She heats her home with wood. Today, our boys took a wood splitter to her home, gathered their friends, and split a couple cords of wood for her. She was brought to tears when she saw the youth in her yard, in the cold, working to make her life better.
2 Nices
This is just awesome. Thank you for being so very kind.
Jan 17, 2018
OMG! This brought tears and goosebumps! What a wonderful gesture!
Mar 2, 2022
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