Card Journey for: [NQ-CNJZB]
suepr3 played ORIGINAL Card #8
Feb 1, 2018 -- Ithaca, New York
Card played 1 times.
Started on: Feb 1, 2018
Started by: suepr3
In: Ithaca, New York
Getting in touch with my cousin
It's been over 6 mth.s since I've been in touch with my favorite cousin, Betsy. We both just drifted away after my Dad passed and she moved to a new home. We both just got really busy and time just seemed to pass. So today I wrote her a long email and swore to her that I would stay in touch regularly this time! I can't wait to hear from her and see how she's been and all that is new in her life
2 Nices
Feb 3, 2018
Cousins are asesome. Glad you have each other!
Feb 3, 2018
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