Card Journey for: [5C-LX6YZ]
mmassey played ORIGINAL Card #9
Jun 27, 2018 -- Washington, District of Columbia
Card played 2 times.
Started on: Jun 5, 2018
Started by: bert16
In: Washington, District of Columbia
Please and Thank You
I'm originally from the south so I consider myself to be a very courteous person, but I have to admit, I find it very hard to say please and thank you in every interaction I have with a person. It is getting a lot of smiles and spreading a lot of joy. So please continue pass along these Boom Boom cards and thank you for reading my post! :)
2 Nices
bert16 played ORIGINAL Card #9
Jun 5, 2018 -- Washington, District of Columbia
Card played 2 times.
Started on: Jun 5, 2018
Started by: bert16
In: Washington, District of Columbia
Naturally polite...
How do you get a Canadian to apologize? Step on their toe! This one is just bred into me, I suppose... and always appreciated when people say please and thank you to me.
2 Nices
A please and thank you can go a long way...
Jun 5, 2018
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