Card Journey for: [UG-EJRZ8]
Boehnke Family played FAMILY Card #15
Jul 1, 2018 -- Casper, WY
Card played 1 times.
Started on: Jul 1, 2018
Started by: Boehnke Family
In: Casper, WY
Families belong together!
Yesterday Leif and Mama went to the park to support immigrant rights and call for an end to family separation at the border. Mama is a Leadership Team member of one of the local organizations that sponsored the event, so she spoke at the rally. Leif and Mama helped set up before the rally, and we cleaned up the park after the event was over. It was great to be with others supporting kindness!
2 Nices
Thank you...
Jul 9, 2018
This is awesome. And yes, thank you.
Jul 18, 2018
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