Card Journey for: [3X-88FCK]
The McCleary Family played FAMILY Card #16
Sep 14, 2018 -- Sacramento, California
Card played 1 times.
Started on: Sep 14, 2018
Started by: The McCleary Family
In: Sacramento, California
Weehoooooooo Ride!
We surprised our friends by showing up on their front lawn with a WeeHoo bike trailer so they can bike ride with their amazing daughter who is 4.5 years old and is non-verbal and autistic. “Family Bike Rides” are on their family dream board this year but they were indecisive and not able to take the leap and just get one. We came together as friends to show our love for their incredible family.
3 Nices
Sep 24, 2018
If only EVERYONE had a group of friends like you... <3
Sep 24, 2018
Wow. That is amazing. I agree with Miss Petty!
Oct 3, 2018
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