Card Journey for: [AR-BLA4X]
J. Ramirez played ORIGINAL Card #24
Nov 16, 2018 -- Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Card played 1 times.
Started on: Nov 16, 2018
Started by: J. Ramirez
In: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Can saying "I'm sorry" Really fix it?
Before moving away from a toxic environment & cutting out toxic people from my life I'd planned to visit a dear friend. But when she made additional plans on the last day I'd get to see her, I was hurt and in turn horrible to her. For 2yrs I wanted to apologize for BEING one of those toxic people in her life. I finally had the courage to mail a 2yr old apology note I'd written. But it wont fix it
<3 I hope your friend reaches out to you. An apology can begin the healing process.
Nov 27, 2018
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