Card Journey for: [RD-B8PYY]
LaysChips07 played TEEN Card #1
Dec 27, 2018 -- Cape Coral, Florida
Card played 1 times.
Started on: Dec 27, 2018
Started by: LaysChips07
In: Cape Coral, Florida
I made a playlist for my mom
My card was ~~Create a playlist that inspires and motivates; give it to someone you think needs it~~ I did this for my mom and on the playlist I made her I put all Bruce Springsteen songs with a few country songs and gave it to her she loved it and I'm so happy I did it for her
2 Nices
Benevolence Artists
This is great! As a mom, I would love this too =) good work!
Jan 7, 2019
I so agree! What a kind gesture.
Jan 7, 2019
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