Card Journey for: [LG-D2UW9]
Michal Kokoszka played ORIGINAL Card #17
Jan 4, 2019 -- Chicago, IL
Card played 1 times.
Started on: Jan 4, 2019
Started by: Michal Kokoszka
In: Chicago, IL
Introducing Myself to James
I see James in front of 711 almost every day on my way to work, he gets a kick out of my OneWheel, he thinks it's the coolest thing. If I go into 711, I usually ask James if he'd like coffee or a sandwich and he always takes me up on my offers. Today, I decided I would also officially introduce myself and talk to him a little bit, we talked briefly about the holidays and I wished him a great day!
4 Nices
I love this so much.
Jan 7, 2019
Benevolence Artists
I"m not sure if you listen to podcasts, but check out the one on Hidden Brain (NPRone) about compassion! you'll love it.
Jan 7, 2019
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