Card Journey for: [FH-DGKQW]
AubreyTheDragonSlayer09 played ORIGINAL Card #4
Jan 25, 2019 -- Bardstown, KY
Card played 1 times.
Started on: Jan 25, 2019
Started by: AubreyTheDragonSlayer09
In: Bardstown, KY
My Moms Letter...
I wrote a letter......A LETTER I SAY! It said stuff like i love you and bla bla bla... Anyways, she liked it.... So yeah... i don't have much to say.... I like putting dots............ BUT YEAH! EXCITING STORY HUH??????? Ok, I am not saying much ok ok..... But there isn't anything to say! Ok well, bye bye.....
2 Nices
Your dots are awesome! Keep saying great stuff in between the dots and thanks for sharing.
Feb 8, 2019
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