Card Journey for: [AR-XKBKQ]
Mr. Positive played ORIGINAL Card #24
Feb 8, 2019 -- Berkeley, CA
Card played 1 times.
Started on: Feb 8, 2019
Started by: Mr. Positive
In: Berkeley, CA
The New Guy
I started a new office job this week. I met a new co-worker who asked me to help him with a mess that he definitely did not create. I realized a day later that I could have been more sympathetic to his plight. So today I made a point to go by his desk and apologize for my dismissive attitude. He assured me I wasn't insulting. But it made me feel better making sure.
2 Nices
Mr. Positive, I love that you circled back around and made sure all was well. Nice work!
Feb 8, 2019
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