Card Journey for: [S7-QSC8B]
LadyLee played FAMILY Card #14
Mar 12, 2019 -- Toledo, Ohio
Card played 1 times.
Started on: Mar 12, 2019
Started by: LadyLee
In: Toledo, Ohio
Card # 14 - Find a Cuase
A day before I received my cards from my step daughter I prayed to God for a new ministry. I have been doing prison ministry for 22 years, I got a little burned out, so I asked God for something next day there came the cards, WOW< WOW>. I also prayed to God to help me get my house organized.....wouldn't you know it the first card I randomly picked out of the pile was...You guess it...find a cause
isabella imagine
Mar 18, 2019
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