Card Journey for: [NQ-URS27]
Marcia Davidson played ORIGINAL Card #8
Nov 14, 2019 -- Seminole, Florida
Card played 2 times.
Started on: Nov 14, 2019
Started by: Marcia Davidson
In: Seminole, Florida
Had lost touch over the past few years with one of my friends after moving countries. She recently wished me happy birthday on FB and I just felt the need to reach out. Reconnected and turns out she's going through a rough time with some health issues and I'm in a position to give her some personal support. Feels good :)
Corrielynn814 played ORIGINAL Card #8
Dec 18, 2019 -- Largo, FL
Card played 2 times.
Started on: Nov 14, 2019
Started by: Marcia Davidson
In: Seminole, Florida
Card #8 Reach out
November 13th I was given this card . The kindness challenge was to contact someone I haven't spoken with in a while & the revolutionize it statement suggested to consider a person with whom you've had a historically rocky relationship. So, today I sent cookies to her. Will she like them? Throw them away? Who knows. I'm just happy to have been able to do it.
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