Card Journey for: [NQ-DVUXL]
simba123 played ORIGINAL Card #8
Jan 2, 2020 -- White Lake, Michigan
Card played 2 times.
Started on: Jan 2, 2020
Started by: simba123
In: White Lake, Michigan
Lost touch with one of my favorite people
Do you have people in your life that just make you happy? My friend, Jan, is one of those people. Each time I see her, I am full of joy and feel wonderful. We both have busy lives, and don't get together enough. I received a Christmas card from her and realized we hadn't seen each other in over a year. Today, prompted by this card, I called her and hope to reconnect soon. #happy
anits04 played ORIGINAL Card #8
Jan 20, 2020 -- Detroit, Michigan
Card played 2 times.
Started on: Jan 2, 2020
Started by: simba123
In: White Lake, Michigan
Fearless Woman in Birmingham, Michigan
My friend, Shelley, and I went for massages at Margot's and I got to meet Margot. She treated us to champaigne as we chatted with her and as soon as she started talking with her European accent, I was hooked. She spoke about empowering women and how the way we were raised and touched plays a role in how we are treated today. She started her spa to be a source of support to women... go visit her!
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