Card Journey for: [FH-U24Q3]
nosreip played ORIGINAL Card #4
Jan 27, 2021 -- Cypress, Texas
Card played 1 times.
Started on: Jan 27, 2021
Started by: nosreip
In: Cypress, Texas
Making a teacher's day
I wrote a note to my physics teacher, thanking her for always being that happy and bubbly person every single day, and that she genuinely tries to make physics as fun and interactive as possible while keeping us safe during these times of COVID. Im going to hand the note her today before lunch and im going to give her a boom boom card because with how big her heart is, i know she will pass it on.
3 Nices
I love this. I was a teacher and I know how special a note like this is. She'll love it.
Jan 30, 2021
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