Card Journey for: [4A-MZH6M]
Sana played GREEN Card #23
May 2, 2022 -- San Rafael, California
Card played 1 times.
Started on: May 2, 2022
Started by: Sana
In: San Rafael, California
Trash Gyre
I had to research trash gyres and how we could diminish this situation. A trash gyre is a patch of garbage and debris collected in the ocean formed by rotating ocean currents. A few ways we can prevent a trash gyre from getting any larger is, to clean up after yourselves and pick up any trash you find, or else it will get bigger and bigger and it will be impossible to get rid of.
Fun fact - Great Pacific Garbage Patch is twice the size of texas and it will currently take 5 years to get rid of it.
May 2, 2022
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