Card Journey for: [LM-YFJVM]
spiderale played GREEN Card #22
May 4, 2022 -- San Rafael, California
Card played 2 times.
Started on: May 3, 2022
Started by: nlewis
In: San Rafael, California
take a shower in less than 2 minutes
take a shower in less than 2 minutes I have to take a shower in less than 2 minutes or do 25% of what I normally take on average Nice spiderale currently day 1 was a success i did it in 1 minute and 37 seconds I don't think the challenge will be hard but day 1 was hard and easy day 2 of take a shower less than 2 minutes the time taken was 1 minute and
1 Nice
nlewis played GREEN Card #22
May 3, 2022 -- San Rafael, California
Card played 2 times.
Started on: May 3, 2022
Started by: nlewis
In: San Rafael, California
Shortening my showers
I timed my average shower and found it was approximately 4:00 minutes long. I then had to shorten it by 25%. That means I had to set a timer so my shower was only 3 :00 minutes long. After doing this for a few days, I realized that besides being a bit more speedy, it barely made a difference in getting clean. What this habit does make a difference in is the water it's saving.
2 Nices
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