Card Journey for: [5C-JFQA6]
Ghloe played ORIGINAL Card #9
Oct 10, 2010 -- Bayville, NY
Card played 1 times.
Started on: Oct 10, 2010
Started by: Ghloe
In: Bayville, NY
Please AND Thank you!
I said please and thank you! I sometimes would ask for something forgetting to say please and then would add "please" and "thank you"! This was always met with a smile and a "you're welcome" an/or a 'thank you' in return for giving that person the 'gift' of humanity---yep that's right...the lesson is 'humanity'...being human and showing our vulnerability and opening up to the possibility that please and thank you ARE very, very important ways to show each other we matter. I am pleased to say I have incorporated this into my everyday life. How could I not after finding out how to connect with other humans, and how GOOD, no...GREAT it feels.
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