Card Journey for: [R3-64SBK]
Ghloe played ORIGINAL Card #10
Oct 15, 2010 -- Bayville, NY
Card played 1 times.
Started on: Oct 15, 2010
Started by: Ghloe
In: Bayville, NY
Creating a Special Occasion
Everytime I meet with a friend it is a special occasion. In our busy day to day lives I find one must create special occasions. What makes an occasion special? Well, being with people you care for, having conversations, sharing lifes moments, eating some good food, etc.. It doesn't have to be anything fancy; sometimes the more casual--the better! So I met my friend for tea and cake--very special--we caught up all the news in our lives--very special and then I picked up the 'tab' and she told me she felt very special--- I think I got the better part of that deal, what say you?
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