Card Journey for: [WM-2PWAD]
gibZENfamily played FAMILY Card #23
Mar 28, 2011 -- Kitchener, ON
Card played 1 times.
Started on: Mar 28, 2011
Started by: gibZENfamily
In: Kitchener, ON
Daffodil Day
I was picking up a few things at the grocery store and saw the most beautiful Spring Daffodils. I bought three bunches and delivered one to a neighbour who has not been well enough to get out much this Winter and loves his garden--I thought I would bring Spring inside to him--one to a super former teacher who my daughter loves and still writes notes too who had a recent death in her family and one to a good friend who always makes my children feel so welcome in her home. As soon as I got home and unpacked my bags, I set out to deliver my flowers. The first house I left the flowers on the porch and waited around the corner until I thought I heard the door ( I felt like a kid playing hide and seek and hoping not to get caught!), I got caught in the act at the second house but, it was nice to say hello and gave me the chance to ask how my neighbour was feeling and when I delivered my flowers at school, I got a student to deliver them for me to keep it a surprise. The florist had asked me who the flowers were for when she was ringing them in and when I told her my plans for the daffodils, she said before she left work today, she was going to purchase some flowers and do the same thing for some neighbours on her street. I will have to play this card again when the kids are home-- they have been waiting to do this one and I hadn't planned on doing this today-- the daffodils just presented themselves and in that moment, I could not resist them!
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