Card Journey for: [Z8-72356]
gibZENfamily played FAMILY Card #1
Apr 21, 2011 -- Kitchener, ON
Card played 1 times.
Started on: Apr 21, 2011
Started by: gibZENfamily
In: Kitchener, ON
Seed sprout necklaces
We made seed sprout necklaces for my youngest daughter's classmates to help celebrate Earth week at school. We put a moist cotton ball and a bean seed in a small jewelry bag, punched a hole through the bag for air circulation and strung some twine and a few beads on the string then threaded it through the hole tying the packet so it rests at the heart for warmth to help the seed to sprout. Once you see roots and shoots, it is time to transplant. My daughter watched her seed for a good part of the day today waiting for it to start growing!
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