Card Journey for: [NG-B69LD]
heathermae played ORIGINAL Card #6
Jun 15, 2011 -- Santa Cruz, CA
Card played 1 times.
Started on: Jun 15, 2011
Started by: heathermae
In: Santa Cruz, CA
Paying to Park
The other day I was paying for parking in an outside parking garage in downtown Santa Cruz. There were a few people in line ahead of me, so I was waiting to pay and watching people pass on the street. I noticed a young man, probably around 18 years old, standing off to the side and staring intently at the line of people purchasing parking tickets. He looked slightly disturbed, and I could tell that his staring was making the people in line a little bit nervous. As the person at the head of the line finished with his transaction and walked away, I saw the youth speak to him as he passed. The man ignored the youth, and kept on walking. As I watched, I saw the youth's composure begin to crumble and tears come to his eyes. He looked so defeated, that I was moved to go over and start a conversation with him. He explained to me that he had 3 minutes to get to a job interview, and that he'd left his wallet at home. He didn't even have the $1.00 to park and he was in a complete panic. We got back into line, and I paid for his parking for one hour. I can't believe how grateful and happy he was! I didn't have the card to pass to him at the time, but I think that he'll remember this Boom Boom! and pass it on when he sees the opportunity.
I bet he got the job! You sent him off with a sense of belief and wonderment...why would a complete stranger help him out? Because we live in a world of revolutionaries. Way to notice and take action.
Jun 15, 2011
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