Card Journey for: [JJ-RKWNP]
heathermae played ORIGINAL Card #20
May 23, 2012 -- San Jose, CA
Card played 1 times.
Started on: May 23, 2012
Started by: heathermae
In: San Jose, CA
Life Stories
My partner's grandmother recently passed away. Although her passing wasn't a complete surprise, it utterly shocked him and his family. Understandably, everyone was devastated. It was hard for me to express my sympathy to them. Every time that I would try, I thought it either sounded like I giving them advice (not what I would want to hear if I were grieving), or inundating them with the same phrases ("I'm so sorry", or worse, "I know how you're feeling"). My heart was in the right place. I just wanted them to know that they were not alone, and that someone cared about their loss. I decided that notes might be a better way to express my condolences. After the funeral, I spent some time in the parking lot distributing notes to each of his aunts, uncles, cousins and his mom under their windshield wipers. Since I am close with his family, and have great memories with them all, the notes contained my favorite moments with each of them. The cool thing was, that I realized that his grandma was in all of the stories in some capacity. I didn't really intend this, but his mom later told me that everyone talked about how it reminded them that stories are how his grandma will live on. Boom Boom!
This is beautiful Heather. Such a thoughtful way to extend your love & support.
May 25, 2012
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