Card Journey for: [DV-83MWS]
alexaescamilla played TEEN Card #9
Oct 7, 2020 -- Lynwood, CA
Card played 1 times.
Started on: Oct 7, 2020
Started by: alexaescamilla
In: Lynwood, CA
Say yes to an open door of kindness
I was inside the ice cream shop when a women of much more age than I was behind me. She seemed like a sweet, old lady exhilarated by all the sugary sweets and the smell of freshly made ice cream. My very first instinct was to hold the door open for her out a respect for my elders. She smiled to me and gave her gratitude; it absolutely warmed my heart.
7 Nices
It's amazing how much a smile can mean so much. Thanks for sharing!
Oct 8, 2020
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