Card Journey for: [CN-4HVC3]
heathermae played ORIGINAL Card #1
Oct 13, 2020 -- Santa Cruz, CA
Card played 1 times.
Started on: Oct 13, 2020
Started by: heathermae
In: Santa Cruz, CA
Peet to the rescue
On my way into a Peet's coffee shop early yesterday morning, I noticed a woman sitting on the ground who seemed really down in the dumps. Instead of meeting my gaze, she concentrated on the cold ground before her with her hair hanging in her face. I bought her a coffee and bagel. It felt awesome when she took a sip and sighed "that hits the spot". I'm grateful for the experience!
4 Nices
I've been the recipient of gifts like this myself. What a nice thing to do!
Oct 14, 2020
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