Card Journey for: [EV-EVERY]
Helene played EBB Card #1
Nov 9, 2011 -- Santa Cruz, CA
Card played 10 times.
Started on: Apr 6, 2010
Started by: Helene
In: Santa Cruz, CA
Awesome Sauce!
Giving a huge shout out to my husband. He's kind, patient, smart, the best Dad (seriously, our kids are lucky!), a wonderful & infectious laugh, and is gorgeous. Thanks again for all you do.
Helene played EBB Card #1
Apr 6, 2010 -- Santa Cruz, CA
Card played 10 times.
Started on: Apr 6, 2010
Started by: Helene
In: Santa Cruz, CA
I got your back!
Yesterday I went into a local bakery that was hustlin' busy as it was lunch time. The person in front of me to go inside was in a wheelchair. I saw him pause as he surveyed the door. One of those big heavy types... so I ran ahead and pulled the door open for him. I got a big smile and a nice "thank you". We then waited in line for awhile... talking about all the yummy looking items in the glass case. Finally it was his turn and he ordered up his food and coffee. Got his little table top number and went over to his table to wait. I ordered something to go, so I was standing at the counter when they called out "Coffee for here" - no one came to claim it - I had a sneaking suspicion it was this mans coffee. So I went up to him and confirmed that he'd ordered a black coffee, indeed he did, and so I went back and brought it to him. I got an even bigger smile, a heartfelt "thank you" AND a... "you've got my back today" to which I replied, "Indeed I do!" Boom Boom!
Helene played EBB Card #1
Apr 16, 2010 -- Santa Cruz, CA
Card played 10 times.
Started on: Apr 6, 2010
Started by: Helene
In: Santa Cruz, CA
Fieldtrip to the dump!
I went with my daughters class to the City of Santa Cruz Landfill/Resource Recovery Facility yesterday (website: http://bit.ly/ar36zo) and what an eye opener that was. <strong>I'd like to give a huge Boom Boom! shout out to the city of Santa Cruz and all the employees at this facility. It's serious hard work that's noisy, dusty & stinky and they're all doing an amazing job!</strong> Our school is facing some tough times this year and we didn't have the funds for the school bus. So committed is this place that THEY paid for our bus so we could still visit. How Boom Boom! is that? I'd also like to thank the docent for her patience and presence with the kids. She likes her job and it shows. <em>The video below is of the recycling sorting area. Those workers have to be on the ball to catch items that accidentally make it through the machine's automated levels of sorting.</em>
Helene played EBB Card #1
May 6, 2010 -- San Francisco, CA
Card played 10 times.
Started on: Apr 6, 2010
Started by: Helene
In: Santa Cruz, CA
Thanks parking garage stranger!
I went to the SF airport to pick up my Mom the other day and I was cutting it a bit tight on time. When I got up to the parking garage it was packed! So I began circling and circling and... a gentleman walking saw my plight and told me to follow him as he was just leaving. When we got to his car and I yelled out a hearty thanks! He replied that it had taken him an hour to get this spot earlier and he wanted to save someone else the frustration. Well Boom Boom! to you kind stranger. Thanks to your generous act I was able to park and get my Mom on time.
Boom Boom is CONTAGIOUS!
May 6, 2010
Helene played EBB Card #1
May 12, 2010 -- Santa Cruz, CA
Card played 10 times.
Started on: Apr 6, 2010
Started by: Helene
In: Santa Cruz, CA
Bringing light & beauty to a dark day.
A few weeks ago in my hometown, mayhem ensued on a Saturday night resulting in over $100,000 dollars of damage to a lot of local shopkeepers. Windows smashed, paint splattered, destruction. The general mood after this was total shock, dismay, discouragement and sadness. So the day I found out that a local artist set up shop in front of two boarded up windows to paint murals of hope and thanks I was deeply moved. This Everyday Boom Boom! goes out to Ezra Moon and all the other folks involved in these murals. I'm proud to live in the same town as you. Boom Boom!
That is super awesome!! I'm happy that there are some positive people out there trying to outweigh those negative ones. Kristen
May 12, 2010
Thanks for sharing! We were so disheartened by the riot, it's good to see this!
May 14, 2010
This is so beautiful! Out of a nightmare came an outpouring of such love & beauty and you have the pictures to prove it! Thank you for your generous Boom Boom! and for brightening up the world.
Jun 9, 2010
Helene played EBB Card #1
Jun 11, 2010 -- Santa Cruz, CA
Card played 10 times.
Started on: Apr 6, 2010
Started by: Helene
In: Santa Cruz, CA
Thanks Saturn Caf
A little thing really, but so very sweet. I was at a local restaurant today with my kids and friends to celebrate the last day of school. My daughter and I went to the bathroom and were standing at the doors (marked Robots & Aliens) when a 20 something year old came up and handed us the key we'd need to open the door. It wasn't till we came out and were figuring out where to return the key that I found out the guy didn't even work at the restaurant. He was just a nice guy near our booth who saw that we didn't know we'd need a key. So he brought it to us. Wow! So small and so sweet. I went up and thanked him properly, but so wished I could have added, "That was so Boom Boom! of you"
Helene played EBB Card #1
Oct 15, 2010 -- Santa Cruz, CA
Card played 10 times.
Started on: Apr 6, 2010
Started by: Helene
In: Santa Cruz, CA
Guerrila goodness equals spastic video footage
Today on Feel Good Friday I was feeling pretty good about Poncho, the grounds keeper of the Sash Mill buildings where Boom Boom! Headquarters is. He's always got a smile, knows everyone's name and is obviously committed to keeping the grounds impeccable. So today when I happened to see him at the coffee shop near us I asked him if I could get him a cup of coffee! As you'll see in the video I didn't really want him to know I was taking footage, so it's a bit spastic. Happy Feel Good Friday Poncho! Boom Boom!
i enjoyed the spastic video, and coffee boom booms are awesome. you are lucky to have a smiling Poncho, and i hope Poncho enjoyed his coffee. happy friday boom boom
Oct 15, 2010
That is awesome what you did to Poncho! Most people don't appreciate the grounds keepers in this world. I remember in elementary school, our janiter was the nicest person. His name was Walter, but everybody called him Walt. Walt knew everybody's name and liked to asked you how you were, even if he was REALLY busy. I never really got to know Walt that much, so I was surprised to find out one day how much he cared about the students. My school had 70 year old marble stairs, and I fell down them. Of course, with my luck, I did something wrong with my leg and was limping my way down the rest of the marble stairs to the nurse's office. On the ground floor, I leaned againest the wall. Walt passed me by, and then came back and asked, " Emma, are you OK? ". " No. " I replyed. Then Walt walked away and came back with a chair and told me to sit in it. Then he walked away again and came back with the nurse. And he went away without saying a word. Of all the teachers who passed me by that day, no one did anything to help me at all. Except Walt. I will never forget his act of kindness he gave to me that day. He just got married and my friends and I wanted to go to the wedding, not to crash it, but to wish him good luck. We all love Walt. And this video reminded me of him. We all should thank the janitors for all they do! Thank you for bringing back good memories of Walt. And tell Poncho thanks for doing a good job!
Sep 1, 2011
Wow, what a sweet and gentle soul that Walt is! So happy my EBB! post brought back some fond memories as well as adding a fantastic story to the Boom Boom! site.
Sep 1, 2011
Helene played EBB Card #1
Feb 14, 2011 -- Santa Cruz, CA
Card played 10 times.
Started on: Apr 6, 2010
Started by: Helene
In: Santa Cruz, CA
Generosity Day - an Epic Everyday Boom Boom!
Today I stumbled upon Fast Company's article "<a href="http://www.fastcompany.com/1727145/re-booting-valentine-s-day-for-good"><strong>Re-booting Valentine's Day for Good</strong></a>". I then went on to read about Sasha Dichter's one month generosity experiment where he said YES to every request for a month. Wow! And now he's started <a href="https://sashadichter.wordpress.com/2011/02/14/generosity-day/"><strong>Generosity Day</strong></a> -expert from his blog post...<em>"This Monday, Valentine
Yay for spreading the love and generosity!
Feb 14, 2011
Love this!
Mar 10, 2011
Helene played EBB Card #1
Nov 3, 2011 -- Santa Cruz, CA
Card played 10 times.
Started on: Apr 6, 2010
Started by: Helene
In: Santa Cruz, CA
A cat on my lap
Mingus has no idea that he's such a big participant of the revolution. Every morning as I sit and plan my day, he curls on my lap and purrs. Thanks for the love Mingus. Such a great start to my day.
Helene played EBB Card #1
Jan 12, 2012 -- Santa Cruz, CA
Card played 10 times.
Started on: Apr 6, 2010
Started by: Helene
In: Santa Cruz, CA
Chalk Street Smarts!
My kids elementary school is on a little hill, so the routine for many families is to park across the street and walk up the hill to drop off their kids. This means a whole bunch of people walk past this one block of homes everyday (in the morning and afternoon). One house often times has wonderful sayings or drawings on their sidewalk done in colorful chalk that we all get to enjoy. This first week back in school after winter break, the messages were very Boom Boom! Over the week I've heard many kids and parents talking about the messages. Yesterday afternoon my kids and I got in the car talking about the power of a simple smile. Truly there's so much power in it. We discussed how it feels in your own body as well as how it affects the one you're smiling at. Good stuff! So a hearty Boom Boom! and Thank You to the family that takes the time to make the world a better place. A wonderful example of how a small act can have a big impact. p.s. I'm going to leave a Family Deck of Boom Boom! Cards on their doorstep this afternoon. They seem like the perfect fit to join us in the Revolution! Boom Boom!
Goosebumps. Just beautiful. These people are certainly very Boom Boom! Can't wait to see what they do with the cards!
Jan 12, 2012
Good job
Jan 13, 2012
Love This...What a Great Idea!!
Jan 14, 2012
Reading your story inspired me to share a "Smile" story! My 87 year old grandma started singing a really old song tonight before dinner, reminiscing a story of her wedding day. I googled the song and found it on YouTube. It's called "if I had my way dear" from 1913! It was a very old recording on YouTube and only a little over a minute long. But i played it for her and she immediately recognized it and sang along. She knew every word! The smile on her face was contagious and I immediately felt a smile in my heart! When reading your boom boom, I thought of this moment I shared with my grandma, my nanny. Thank you for sharing this and inspiring me to share my story.
Jan 15, 2012
So cool. I bet they'll love the cards too!
Jan 15, 2012
What a beautiful slice of time with your grandma. So wonderful. Thanks for sharing the story. I can just picture the scene. Now I'm going to google the song, cuz I'm curious! Boom Boom!
Jan 15, 2012
Wonderful! I would like to do this with my kids!
Apr 28, 2012
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