All Zuzu's Activity
Date Enlisted: Jan 22, 2020
Where In The World: Texas, USA
The Good Stream
marcy said something good: "So many good people in my life."
marcy played ORIGINAL Card #15: "Visit" Went with friends to visit a ...
yami44 played ORIGINAL Card #2: "Hold the door <3" Hope you all have a great day
AbiBookLover played TEEN Card #3: "Kind act " Today I wrote a kind note to m...
AbiBookLover said something good: "You are all amazing in your very own ways. Don't l..."
keoconnor played ORIGINAL Card #17: "Afternoon Pals" I gave it to the custodian in ...
Favorite Things played ORIGINAL Card #8: "Old friend" Reached out to my 4th grade BF...
cedarsequoia played ORIGINAL Card #21: "cleaning for parents" cleaned my parents' kitchen ca...
zuks38 played ORIGINAL Card #26: "Better late than never." I came across this card I rece...
MichDionne played ORIGINAL Card #1: "A cup of coffee " I went to the deli to buy a cu...
dcarpenter played ORIGINAL Card #5: "WEB Rules" I played the card in WEB class...
kte said something good: "Today I learned a neighbor in my computer lost her..."
bodysbyrose played ORIGINAL Card #4: "Repeat Pete" I witnessed him spread hope wi...
lonabates played ORIGINAL Card #1: "Random Car Pick" While in my car, in line at a ...
autumngoldentail played ORIGINAL Card #19: "Speaking Up" I do not often speak up on lon...
chnash played TEEN Card #26: "Band Drama!" Two members of my band got int...
Amy Smoldt played ORIGINAL Card #2: "Hold Open the door" It is even nicer to do when it...
Liam played ORIGINAL Card #7: "Good deed of the day" I was at school and saw a cand...
KayB played ORIGINAL Card #10: "Treating Friends" Went to lunch with two friends...
rrekiiio played TEEN Card #24: "smile" i smiled and waved at a classm...
AppleJacks2 played TEEN Card #5: "Food" I eat a lot and am very hungr...
cathinmmdr played ORIGINAL Card #20: "Bringing the light..." I dropped a card off with a co...
jhartlieb played ORIGINAL Card #2: "Holding doors open" I'm doing some of these cards ...
Shekar played ORIGINAL Card #19: "Speak up" We always try to speak up for ...
Licon played FAMILY Card #26: "Song" I went to the animal fair!
sixpaksuzi said something good: "Called my 94 year old Aunt Judy to wish her a Happ..."
CherylR played FAMILY Card #23: "Brightening Auntie's Day" Madison picked out a pretty pi...
The Shell Queen played ORIGINAL Card #10: "Dinner at The BBQ" I surprised my really good fri...
kimmyward said something good: "I hope you days are filled with love ,laughter and..."
kat dowling played ORIGINAL Card #2: "Door Open For Strangers" Simply held the door open of s...
KBboomboom played ORIGINAL Card #22: "The little things" Thanked a coworker I’d been me...
Davey played TEEN Card #15: "Be Kind" My story is I walked up to my ...
h.delacruz played TEEN Card #5: "Say Positive Things " My card was about spending an ...
djdfghygh said something good: "I saw someone sitting alone so I similed at them b..."
maizland played TEEN Card #12: "To Be Grateful" When I got this card, I laughe...
angel.tan played TEEN Card #25: "Meeting New People" At first when I got this card,...
olivia.shakouri played TEEN Card #19: "No Name Calling " For one whole day, I didn't ca...
leprechaun said something good: "i saw someone holding alot of books so i asked if ..."
Kyle.Whitson said something good: "qn 84 g6q"
Amanda13 played TEEN Card #9: "Holding the door for someone" I was at a team reunion for tr...
SB5603ct played ORIGINAL Card #2: "Holding Doors Open" Holding doors open for strange...
Pauw played TEEN Card #2: "Pressure Washing - Paulo A." I asked to pressure wash my ne...
hayden haney said something good: "Everybody is worth a or more nothing less"
meha said something good: "I planted some seeds in pots and gifted it to frie..."
Luca S. said something good: "i donated some clothes and gloves at the salvation..."
bodhiiyer said something good: "i had to tell someone about a trash gyre. I told m..."
JBoiTheBoi played GREEN Card #17: "The junk drawer of doom" so i have this really over stu...
Ryan B played GREEN Card #9: "ask for no straw" i went to dinner waiting for t...
shreya played GREEN Card #3: ""Picking up trash"" Today at lunch three of my fri...
nlewis played GREEN Card #22: "Shortening my showers" I timed my average shower and ...
EmmaDenmark7 played GREEN Card #20: "Giving plants" Gave three people at school su...
Prof. Chance played GREEN Card #6: "SAVING ENERY" This was a lot harder than I t...
jayshanattri11 played GREEN Card #10: "Drinking Clean Water" I was sitting on a dining tabl...
csason played GREEN Card #21: "Saving Electricity" I was just sitting on my bed a...
Lilian said something good: "I had to notice how much trash I was using and try..."
alina said something good: "I used 18 paper towels in 7 days. That means this ..."
wivr0709 played GREEN Card #24: "Number 24" On the first day of my challen...
Sana played GREEN Card #23: "Trash Gyre" I had to research trash gyres ...
aven said something good: "I had to unplug my device while I wasn't using it ..."
Tat the bat played GREEN Card #2: "eating a good lunch" I had to eat lunch that was re...
EvantheGreat271 played GREEN Card #9: "Don't use a straw" I went to a fast-food restaura...
demo2209 said something good: "I have to give a gift from nature. I gave my frien..."
RachPen played ORIGINAL Card #17: "Meeting my neighbor" I smile at the same neighbor o...
MSantos played GREEN Card #8: "how upcycle helps" upcycle means taking something...
NeenaE456 said something good: ""Do something for your community of your choice...."
Charlie A. said something good: "e89lc96"
Phoenix93 played GREEN Card #26: "Write a letter" I have to write a letter about...
camel played GREEN Card #8: "Upcycle" I now have to look up the wor...
KDLJ played ORIGINAL Card #15: "Paying it forward" This card inspired me to pay f...
Aditya ............HI played FAMILY Card #11: "A CALL" I CALLED MY GRAND MA AND ASKED...
atothestone played ORIGINAL Card #1: "Brought Josh Jamba Juice" Went skiing and to see Opiuo t...
marshallfrank played ORIGINAL Card #15: "Wildcard" I gave someone a gift that mad...
Natalie Yun played FAMILY Card #11: "Aunt Nancy" I called my Aunt Nancy who is ...
Babette played ORIGINAL Card #7: "Keep it clean" Litter pickup completed during...
cmfoot played ORIGINAL Card #12: "Wrote card" Wrote card to thank former pro...
Ang_Harv played FAMILY Card #14: "Donating to Campus Group" Today I decided to pay for our...
Cherubs played ORIGINAL Card #16: "Recognising Someone Amazing" I recently left a thank you ca...
lewright played TEEN Card #1: "New playlist " I created a playlist and put i...
woodshr played ORIGINAL Card #10: "Picking up the tab" My daughter and I went to Gold...
JVaughn said something good: "My act of kindness was to pick up trash around tow..."
JRozzi said something good: "Purchased a coffee and left a tip for the amount o..."
edisto played FAMILY Card #21: "Movie day " Wall E movie and popcorn . Bro...
edisto said something good: "Fun day taking a movie break from homeschooling. T..."
JVaughn played TEEN Card #16: "Family Chores" I was to do a family chore wit...
mkim played ORIGINAL Card #2: "everyday" I make a point to do this all ...
LoriSchrop played ORIGINAL Card #18: "Parking Meter Alternative" There are no parking meters in...
chloelilly played TEEN Card #9: "Holding the door" Today I saw someone holding th...
cleavers said something good: "I was at Costco getting my gas and I saw Kyle an e..."
Centennial Skill played FAMILY Card #21: "Family Game Night" My student, C, planned and par...
msjanasclass said something good: "Have a nice day!"
sweetsuzi said something good: "Life is beautiful everyday!!! it's all a mindset. "
happychappys played EBB Card #1: "Good deeds done!" Cards 1-26 done! An amazing ti...
watermonkey played FAMILY Card #9: "money for stray dogs" I love animals so I built a l...
ComputerManCayden played ORIGINAL Card #8: "Calling" I hadn't called a relative in ...
KristynM played ORIGINAL Card #18: "Holiday Parking" “It’s a nationally recognized ...
abHiggins played TEEN Card #24: "Restraunt" I gave this to a waitress at a...
Sunshine21 said something good: "Buy a stranger a cup of coffee"
waddellcj played ORIGINAL Card #1: "Starbucks in Vallejo" On our way home from the NASCA...
MrGroom played ORIGINAL Card #6: "Pay It Forward" In a very crazy parking lot in...
Levster played TEEN Card #1: "My senior friend" My friend was a senior who jus...
Woodfamily played FAMILY Card #1: "Wood family garden" Every year we plant a garden. ...
agentbean played ORIGINAL Card #4: "Thank you WWCRD" I finished graduate school and...
sesturgi played ORIGINAL Card #1: "Day 1 of Coffee Cup Caring" I am at one of the happiest, s...
Team Inquisitive Cassie said something good: "We actually lost our card but donated books to a l..."
hntaylor11 played TEEN Card #24: "Took a walk" Hard to make people feel seen ...
MrsB05 played ORIGINAL Card #7: "Just Do It!" Walked to get the mail and saw...
cheyus12345 played ORIGINAL Card #8: "reaching out" An amazing card. It was wonde...
jmkish played ORIGINAL Card #25: "SMile!! It's contagious!!! " We have to wear masks all day,...
mwaterson played ORIGINAL Card #16: "Thoughtful" A coworker is always checking ...
ksculbertson played ORIGINAL Card #7: "Litter Lady" Despite Covid concerns, I pic...
MarvelousMonkeys played FAMILY Card #11: "Cousin Love" Called our cousins this weeken...
Hope1105 played ORIGINAL Card #1: "Foid for thought" I was at dinner with my kids a...
distoebner said something good: "Called the Starbucks manager to PRAISE an outstan..."
stc played ORIGINAL Card #1: "1st Card!!!" I bought a stranger a cup of c...
Mr. Positive played ORIGINAL Card #15: "Cannonball" This image brings it all back....
LovesAlpacas played ORIGINAL Card #25: "Easy Peasy" Even though our smiles are cov...
blackbelt played ORIGINAL Card #8: "new tech with old friends" I used to play ball with frien...
nosreip played ORIGINAL Card #4: "Making a teacher's day" I wrote a note to my physics t...
shannon6 played ORIGINAL Card #5: "My Cup Runneth Over" I got this card yesterday and ...
lmadison played ORIGINAL Card #3: "Cell phones" So this was harder than I thou...
amitsmistry played ORIGINAL Card #2: "Easy one" I'm doing this all the time no...
MEG played FAMILY Card #7: "Trasher Hunt" In honor of Dr. Martin Luther ...
heathermae played ORIGINAL Card #12: "Letters Home" Inspired by this card, I've be...
noops76 played ORIGINAL Card #2: "Nothing new here " This card instructed me to hol...
SodaPops played ORIGINAL Card #16: "Chicken and Waffles" I didn't know what to order fo...
MommaBear played FAMILY Card #10: "Read vs. watch" My son and I started reading "...
Shawk and Awe played FAMILY Card #2: "Sharing the Love" We made handwritten notes for ...
mingesfamily said something good: "My wonderful neighbor gifted us a set of Boom boom..."
The Guide played ORIGINAL Card #2: "Entranced at the Entrance" I made a point to hold the doo...
FebuFam played FAMILY Card #14: "Donation Event" We collected personal care ite...
203kenyon played ORIGINAL Card #1: "Coffee Shop" I bought a cup of coffee for a...
martia07 played FAMILY Card #13: "Mimi makes pecan pie" Mimi shared a yummy pie with t...
kte played FAMILY Card #15: "Feed the hungry" I have been volunteering with ...
MFlaggDetwiler played EBB Card #1: "Thanks to our maildude!" Covid has been rough for every...
Tuxie13 said something good: "How is everyone today? How many good deeds have yo..."
Tuxie13 played FAMILY Card #2: "Merry Christmas!" I sent a letter to my friend/p...
AG played ORIGINAL Card #20: "#20" Left a note in some laundry I ...
damirk said something good: "Opened the door for an elderly couple . "
MASTR100 said something good: "RI 7T K5U"
katethomason7 said something good: "Today at Trader Joe's, another shopper offered to ..."
rclydesdale played ORIGINAL Card #22: "Link Leader Emily" Emily is a great supporter of ...
thecoolgreenkind said something good: "The weather is good today! Focusing on good thing..."
blackbelt said something good: "felt great to donate to our local food bank today!"
bdeveraux played FAMILY Card #1: "Growing in HI" Supporting the Coral Reef Alli...
heathermae said something good: "Coming together is a beginning; keeping together i..."
misspetty said something good: "Kindness Matters... always"
Petrolina played ORIGINAL Card #12: "Handmade postcard" I visited New Orleans and made...
misspetty played ORIGINAL Card #16: "New cashier" Met some friends at a local re...
AshLynM played ORIGINAL Card #12: "Snail Mail" I signed up for an October pos...
TeacherDiana33 said something good: "A student of mine said to me, "You could never be ..."
MommaBear said something good: "Make someone smile today! "
aloagu2003 played TEEN Card #1: "A little bit of Motivation!" My card states to create a pla...
lmota14 played TEEN Card #16: "Dishes" Hi! My act of kindness was to ...
09lover played TEEN Card #15: "The Time where I saved a kitty" There was this one day where i...
11Summer20 played TEEN Card #7: "Cleaning Day" I went on a nice walk today an...
BKind said something good: "Found a nail in the middle of the road on my walk,..."
DoingItRight played ORIGINAL Card #2: "The Door is Always Open" In these times of distancing, ...
katethomason7 played ORIGINAL Card #11: "Hehehehe" Left a joke on a friend's desk...
mb played ORIGINAL Card #1: "Mmmmm....Coffee " Bought a round for the car beh...
chillcruz played ORIGINAL Card #5: "Buck Up!" I was playing Buck Euchre with...
mb said something good: "Hanging out with friends all weekend is the very b..."
sueking1231 played FAMILY Card #4: "Books Donated" Received a card in the mail to...
MkDarkow played TEEN Card #17: "Cancer donations" Donated around $50 to cancer r...
To3mmaso played FAMILY Card #4: "Davide to the library" davide foud two books to shar...
calliopemcgraw played FAMILY Card #2: "Card 2" so my really good friend, Rile...
cmftini played FAMILY Card #1: "Going green" The family built a family gard...
BryantFamily played FAMILY Card #2: "Homemade cards!" Today we made cards for family...
Mayflower played ORIGINAL Card #20: "Notes of Thanks" For Nurses Day, I made package...
dpandcj played ORIGINAL Card #15: "Someone needed the bed more" A family posted on NextDoor th...
julees played ORIGINAL Card #20: "My bonus daughter" She gives and gives and gives ...
C Squared played FAMILY Card #22: "Going above and beyond" Post pregnancy my husband has ...
tine86 played ORIGINAL Card #5: "compliments" I try really hard to complimen...
DBOOM played ORIGINAL Card #11: "HaHa" Knock knock! ...Who's there Co...
DBOOM said something good: "My sobriety, my relationship with God, family and ..."
cherejh said something good: "I happy for my family, they are the best"
Kiki Gives played ORIGINAL Card #1: "Coffee Gifts" I purchased coffee for the car...
Kiki Gives said something good: "I was very excited about these cards, however covi..."
NvrALmt2020 said something good: "Today is my birthday! My dear friend Kara gifted m..."
TbopSkitty1 played ORIGINAL Card #12: "Writing Letters" I’m using all of my extra time...
jriley02 played ORIGINAL Card #12: "Writing a (paper!) Letter" I wrote a real letter, using p...
patpallone played FAMILY Card #1: "Planting seeds" My 3 and 5 year old sons sprin...
Bassoon240 said something good: "I'm looking for ways to engage my family while we ..."
purpletova played TEEN Card #24: "Teen Card #24" I stopped and had a conversati...
Annaliese played TEEN Card #5: "boom boom cards" I said something positive abou...
MHipps14 said something good: "I did yardwork such as sweeping the porch and pool..."
T.606 said something good: "A friend went up to me and talked about how this g..."
WebLeaderAlister said something good: "For one day I picked up garbage that I saw around ..."
emilia said something good: "for a day i did not call anyone a name"
liam dadeppo said something good: "I thanked a custodian for cleaning the school"
webleaderCamilla said something good: "For one day I picked up trash that I saw around sc..."
Eva 01206 said something good: "I held the door open for my friend leading into ou..."
person1 said something good: "During class I worked with Noeli whom is someone ..."
chase1406 said something good: "A person was being made fun of for how they look..."
webErnie said something good: "i helped a neibor with some yard work. He needed h..."
Mr. Tabscott said something good: "Selvidge Middle School 7th Grade is going to play ..."
leitman played ORIGINAL Card #23: "Dinner at Rockne's" At dinner tonight I was talkin...
amogul53 played TEEN Card #3: "Spread the Love" Put a note in someone's locker...
tquell played TEEN Card #20: "Partner Work" During my humanities class, we...
monicarevolorio played ORIGINAL Card #7: "picking up trash " I went to the park with my fam...
s707349 played TEEN Card #6: "Picking up trash " I was walking in the park with...
s414546 played TEEN Card #8: "jazmin Adventures" so i went the basketball game ...
vmulford played ORIGINAL Card #25: "Smiling, all day long :)" A simple smile and a hello is ...
s407805 played TEEN Card #22: "strange but helpfull" with my boom boom card i went ...
Alex C. played TEEN Card #3: "A kind note" I received the boom boom card...
JesseFigueroa played TEEN Card #8: "School event" I went to a school soccer game...
Kai.T.N.B.P.Pal played TEEN Card #22: "A shadow friend" Throughout the whole week, I p...
mikeisawesome played TEEN Card #24: "The Priceless Smile" after i received this card fr...
emilylop422 played TEEN Card #7: "picking up garbage for a day" today i helped my mom with cho...
maritzaaa2 played TEEN Card #6: "My Day" When my mom asks me how was my...
Nola2004 played TEEN Card #7: "picking up garbage for a day" I am not the best person ever....
Rev1234567890987654321 played TEEN Card #16: "Chores" I helped my family do chores w...
ahllyfloresss said something good: "today i helped the custodian at my school by picki..."
gsalgado16 played TEEN Card #19: "Nickname free" My friend jesus is someone I d...
TSL14 played TEEN Card #23: "study Buddy" There were so many tests in th...
Hephzibah played TEEN Card #4: "Gift to my friend." Today I wished a happy half bi...
leilahacker101 played TEEN Card #9: "softball" today I held open the door for...
213211 played TEEN Card #2: "Dog walks" I have a neighbor named Dakota...
Peacebewithu2 played TEEN Card #17: "homeless at downtown" I was driving with my mom when...
Peacebewithu2 said something good: "VN DC BXY"
ruthamanuel played TEEN Card #9: "starbucks" i went to starbucks with my mo...
ruthamanuel said something good: "i opened the door today for a old man at starbucks..."
Eredmond82 played ORIGINAL Card #23: "I've been Boom Boom'd???" I found this card while watchi...
weiswoman played ORIGINAL Card #12: "Old Joy" I love letters, writing them, ...
sns5292 played ORIGINAL Card #20: "Teacher in Need of a Smile" A teacher stepped up and took ...
Nabozny played ORIGINAL Card #23: "Tip at Sonic" I tipped the carhop $10 for a ...
sbeasley played ORIGINAL Card #22: "THANK YOU ... OLD FRIEND" For a while now I have had som...
finnk played TEEN Card #14: "DISTRACTION" I chose to put my phone down f...
Zuzu played TEEN Card #5: "Being Nice Has Always Been a Habit " I always say at least two nice...
Michelle arreola played TEEN Card #25: "Meet Someone New" So since my schedule got mixed...
simba123 played ORIGINAL Card #16: "Good Vibes While Traveling" I travel frequently for my bus...
Memexdd played TEEN Card #16: "Cleaning Rooms." I became basically a house jan...
jennifergarcia003 played TEEN Card #21: "Giving thanks" I was in lunch and this very n...
pinonian played TEEN Card #13: "stop a rumor." last week this group of girls ...
Shortyyy played TEEN Card #5: "Compliments" I spend the entire day complim...
tuffentiny played ORIGINAL Card #2: "hand off" I'm going to hand this card of...
bnhaley played ORIGINAL Card #23: "TGIF Fridays Surprise" My boyfriend and I went for a ...
AKD played TEEN Card #1: "Happy Little Playlist" I made a playlist for my frien...
Gané played ORIGINAL Card #14: "Baby Formula" Played card 14. I love this ...
lmathews played ORIGINAL Card #1: "Coffee Given" Bought a stranger a coffee
BRIL2020 played TEEN Card #24: "Sharing a smile..." Easiest thing in the world. A...
michelevatoca played ORIGINAL Card #23: "CAR Wash" I went to have my car washed a...
smadden08 said something good: "I’m so excited to start this adventure with my car..."
Gané said something good: "I just received a deck for Christmas! I travel a l..."
SummersFam played FAMILY Card #1: "Passing on plants" We started with card one from ...
michelevatoca said something good: "today i donated at meal to a family ( i do not kno..."
kishfam played FAMILY Card #25: "New Years Day" My family recurved this deck f...
ZachB said something good: "Received my first deck of Boom Boom Cards as a gif..."
heatherpanda87 played ORIGINAL Card #10: "Picked up the tab" I picked up the tab for a cowo...
PatrickH played ORIGINAL Card #8: "My First Card" Contact someone you haven’t sp...
Thunder played TEEN Card #22: "22" I put this on the counter in b...
5ohiohokies played ORIGINAL Card #1: "Take 2 !" Our whole family piled into th...
Sessi said something good: "Ua24bll"
Rebeckers played ORIGINAL Card #19: "Speak up" Sometimes just giving a post i...
Corrielynn814 played ORIGINAL Card #8: "Card #8 Reach out" November 13th I was given this...
angelita16 played ORIGINAL Card #20: "Friendship" My 10 year old son decided to ...
Donaldt41 played TEEN Card #19: "Being kind" On November 28th I successfull...
maddy.0319 played TEEN Card #26: "Standing Up For Someone" I was with my mom picking my l...
RWoods45 played ORIGINAL Card #7: "Litter Me Not" I had a great time cleaning up...
SPMS PACK CLUB played ORIGINAL Card #12: "Operation Gratitude" Our PACK Club members are curr...
Murray said something good: "E576ETV"
JHitzfeld played FAMILY Card #8: "My first Boom Boom " Excited about kicking off a "B...
KMLM played ORIGINAL Card #12: "An old fashioned thank you note" I had a lovely visit from some...
JH45 played TEEN Card #3: "Original Card #3 (Heilmann Crew)" Left a note with the secretary...
robyne played TEEN Card #17: "Food For Everyone!" I have gotten the card that sa...
Marcia Davidson played ORIGINAL Card #8: "Reconnected..." Had lost touch over the past f...
Jody played ORIGINAL Card #12: "Letter to a friend" My oldest friend lives in anot...
Teachwi played ORIGINAL Card #20: "Assistant Appreciation " I have an assistant in my clas...
carol99csu played TEEN Card #10: "Trying to Find" Had someone stop to ask me for...
asmi.m played TEEN Card #5: "reunited!" used to pass these around in m...
Normeez played ORIGINAL Card #25: "Smiling is my Thing" I love watching my students f...
gcanderson said something good: "Helping to keep our campus clean!"
maennera played GREEN Card #9: "Hold the straw" I’ve read many articles about ...
sydneyaboyd played ORIGINAL Card #16: "A small at of kindness" When being given a card that s...
TravelinNic played ORIGINAL Card #25: "Yes, Monday" I chose a workday Monday to pl...
DarkPyralis played TEEN Card #14: "Ignore" I forgot about this card, and ...
Noah And Ben said something good: "We recycled today and used stainless forks instead..."
lisan played ORIGINAL Card #7: "Airport clean up" We picked up a discarded piece...
EAdamo played FAMILY Card #25: "Delicious Italian Ice!" I have always hears that Annet...
geri said something good: "7P 88JCC I held doors for everyone. ez."
sydnieochs played ORIGINAL Card #1: "Starbucks Drive Through " I payed for the girls that wer...
casillrp played ORIGINAL Card #1: "Starbucks Drive thru" I purchased a coffee for the ...
g played ORIGINAL Card #1: "the Lady's Latte'" I bought a Dunkin Donut's cafe...
coope233 played ORIGINAL Card #16: "Good Job" Today one of my coworkers lock...
dawn0505 played ORIGINAL Card #21: "Tidy up" Helped a friend clean her home...
KRene played ORIGINAL Card #18: "Filled a meter" Filled a meter yesterday!
jaywing played ORIGINAL Card #3: "Mothers Day Success" One full day focused on MOM. ...
oberboy74 played ORIGINAL Card #25: "See them smile!" I asked random kids each class...
gahsmanc played ORIGINAL Card #23: "Colorful on a rainy day" My co-worker, Whitney was wear...
Katie W. played ORIGINAL Card #8: "Reconnecting with Susan" Susan and I used to be neighbo...
Wheezy said something good: "I stopped traffic, on a road in my town, to move a..."
mwainwright22 played ORIGINAL Card #20: "Card 20" My friend was upset the other ...
nehasadasivan played TEEN Card #1: "My Motivational Playlist" I shared my favorite playlist ...
AubreyTheDragonSlayer09 said something good: "E5TPT7D"
CharismaGtz played ORIGINAL Card #26: "Happy half birthday " My friend kaleena’s birthday i...
rikkiblue2 played FAMILY Card #6: "Romania-" My best friend Alison has a fr...
Mike Drew played ORIGINAL Card #8: "Reached out to old friend " Nice and simple - I texted an ...
coolilly played ORIGINAL Card #11: "Music puns" Left this on my music teachers...
dphelan1994 played ORIGINAL Card #1: "Coffee again!!! " Spread the coffee love with my...
anniepoirier played ORIGINAL Card #25: "SMILE" I love how if you actually mak...
lkbrinkerhoff played ORIGINAL Card #7: "Trash Clean Up" There always seems to be litte...
LadyLee played FAMILY Card #14: "Card # 14 - Find a Cuase" A day before I received my car...
LadyLee said something good: "I am being seen and not viewed today. Got hug fro..."
Wentz1 played ORIGINAL Card #1: "Coffee for Room Steward" This was a great opportunity t...
SassyJay played ORIGINAL Card #2: "this is the beginning" I am mailing this is a very sw...
SassyJay said something good: "I had purchsed my deck of cards many years ago and..."
mark said something good: "Today is valentines day and you are meant to relax..."
finneyfamily said something good: "The Finney Family got an unexpected snow day today..."
SICKatie said something good: " I was in line to register for a test. An elderly..."
Larsds played ORIGINAL Card #22: "Amazing Person" My dear friend Corey has been ...
chillcruz said something good: "Last night I got to spend time with people that fi..."
teamstepan played FAMILY Card #1: "2nd grade garden" i do a gardening program for m...
cjcoombs said something good: "The best holiday gift ever."
Bikerchic said something good: "I received this deck of cards from my daughter at ..."
Reagan played ORIGINAL Card #10: "lunch with my parents" Nothing too fancy with this on...
yummy yams played TEEN Card #3: "Nice Note " My sister is having a hard tim...
knittypace said something good: "Something GREAT is being in California with my sis..."
cocoacarriee said something good: "Yesterday I had a 16 hour travel day on Southwest ..."
ccsdre1 played TEEN Card #3: "Inspired in ASPIRE" I am a middle school teacher a...
Sam2287 played ORIGINAL Card #25: "Say hi!" It was a good feeling smiling ...
blhdaly said something good: "I took a meal to a friend who had broken her arm. ..."
Will I Am 5 played FAMILY Card #19: "Muffins for Martin" On 1/12 we celebrated MLK's bi...
JMac played ORIGINAL Card #2: "Respect and Love" My Mother taught me to open do...
amishra8 played ORIGINAL Card #20: "Do your best." It isn't always easy to do you...
dani15 played ORIGINAL Card #25: "Smile and Say Hello!" I do this most days anyways bu...
claykort played TEEN Card #9: "Hold a door open for someone." I do this almost every day so ...
Benevolence Artists said something good: "My son cleaned his room and the open floor space g..."
Kacie said something good: "Just registered my deck! Excited to get started!"
BonnieCox played ORIGINAL Card #25: "Smile and say hi" I said hi to a family as I was...
Negativesanchez98 said something good: "Woke up in a good mood . Today will be a good day."
Mr. Positive said something good: "Look at all the new people out here paying it forw..."
KindnessRocks played FAMILY Card #2: "Sending a card." "We're sending a card to an ol...
PetersFamily2019 said something good: "We just opened our Boom Boom! Cards and can't wait..."
markdrew92 played ORIGINAL Card #18: "Night Out in Phoenix" We were out on Roosevelt Row i...
ChrisIam played ORIGINAL Card #6: "Pay it forward" I paid it forward on an NYC su...
SparklePuff played TEEN Card #3: "Card #3 " I gave my sister a letter sayi...
sky fly played TEEN Card #1: "#1" Made a playlist that I thought...
JJJMoney23 played TEEN Card #1: "Teen card 1" I gave my mom maybe playlist a...
fredm21 played ORIGINAL Card #1: "Coffee" I bought the next person in li...
Muehlfeld Family played FAMILY Card #12: "We Learned Thank You" At dinner time, we used google...
LindaNealy said something good: "last night I chased down the lady in front of me i..."
EllieNancy played TEEN Card #17: "I played card #17" I made joy jars for kids in th...
hiteshue said something good: "Happy New Year!"
hiteshue played FAMILY Card #5: "Leave a note" I wrote a letter thanking my m...
Bernhardtsboom played ORIGINAL Card #1: "1st Boom" Fun in the McDonalds line. Did...
3Byrds2019 said something good: "Wrapping up 2018 and looking forward to 2019"
KaylaStiles played ORIGINAL Card #2: "So Simple Yet Rewarding" Today I took the time to hold ...
cawendl said something good: "Spending time with my family. No deadlines!"
TheSantyFam played FAMILY Card #4: "Clearing our shelves" We got lots of books for Chris...
Chrissim1012 said something good: "I set up the new Keurig, that I got for Christmas ..."
LaysChips07 played TEEN Card #1: "I made a playlist for my mom" My card was ~~Create a playlis...
Hayhayhorhay said something good: "The weather "
Hayhayhorhay played TEEN Card #1: "Playlist to inspire " For Christmas, I gave my Nana ...
rjphobbs played ORIGINAL Card #15: "The lotto ticket...." Having a VERY rough couple of ...
mslary played FAMILY Card #12: "Grazie" We learned 14 ways to say Tha...
MrsRedJen played ORIGINAL Card #1: "Coffee for a stranger " Paid for the Starbucks or orde...
Denise Courtney played ORIGINAL Card #2: "Hold the Door!" I picked a day when I was out ...
McKenna played TEEN Card #21: "Cleanliness " I made a poster to thank the c...
rgonga87 played ORIGINAL Card #23: "Dinner for 1" After getting off the train an...
columbia527 played ORIGINAL Card #12: "Write a letter" I wrote different, personal no...
kenadiestroup played TEEN Card #19: "Being Nice " I had to go a day without call...
lizkoch played TEEN Card #25: "Meeting new people " I’ve met 3 new people in the p...
MrsBauer played TEEN Card #17: "BOOMBOOM" I donated money to a missionar...
MartinLuther1483 played TEEN Card #18: ":)" Sat next to someone who was al...
Vea2001 played TEEN Card #10: "Help Someone" I helped someone carry boxes f...
paaigerx played TEEN Card #22: "making someone smile" i put my sticky note on a mir...
SmithFamilyTempeAZ played FAMILY Card #11: "Calling AK" Called favorite aunt to catch ...
valgal5678 played TEEN Card #9: "Holding the door" I held the door for someone wh...
sydneymaire played TEEN Card #9: "Sorry " I held the door open for a gro...
brettlevy played FAMILY Card #6: "A21" We read about Harriet Tubman a...
maryyyworkman played TEEN Card #24: "Smile and Talk to Someone!" I was going to my next class w...
Merri Frodsham played ORIGINAL Card #2: "Welcome :)" Busy day in and out of buildin...
kenz222683 played TEEN Card #5: "Revolutionary " I said something nice about ev...
Donna Mc played ORIGINAL Card #1: "Up o coffee" Bought a cup of coffee (espres...
TMH played ORIGINAL Card #16: "Target Cashier " The (young) cashier at Target ...
ThePriceIsRight played TEEN Card #9: "Holding Open the Door" I held the door open in betwee...
crazy4cows played TEEN Card #18: "Lunch!!" I sat with a 3rd grader at lun...
nikkibrapz played TEEN Card #12: "Thanking School Secretaries" I wrote and colored thank you ...
kittylover12 played TEEN Card #22: "Motivation " Makin LHS better everyday by p...
Kayleeragan played TEEN Card #11: "Anti-bullying" I heard some kids talking badl...
ortizanali played TEEN Card #23: "Help " I helped my table group on the...
maddyromeo played TEEN Card #12: "Wrote notes" I wrote notes to our school se...
DrownsOhana played FAMILY Card #11: "Called my brother" Called my brother Jay, talked ...
SparkleFaeriCaeri played ORIGINAL Card #8: "Happy mom" It has been a while since I've...
Kelly Davis Meyer said something good: "R3 Rg AE7 . I paid for an older couple's meal at..."
J. Ramirez played ORIGINAL Card #18: "Pay it forward" I've not put money into meters...
James Hardy played TEEN Card #14: "Not always the best idea" I didn't answer the phone whil...
kascott09 played ORIGINAL Card #20: "Secret Note" I have a friend that is going ...
pngmeri played ORIGINAL Card #16: "Awesome Customer Service" I took a chance and spent a pr...
p9teacher played ORIGINAL Card #5: "Welcome Back to School" As a teacher I've learned the ...
wanobr01 played ORIGINAL Card #19: "Preventing Bullying" One of the kids in my class wa...
TinaJenkins played ORIGINAL Card #5: "Work" After a particularly hard day ...
Skgy123 played TEEN Card #10: "Moving Day" My neighbors were moving into ...
kyleeadella played ORIGINAL Card #1: "Starbucks Latte" I hope they like it a latte ;)
mmassey played ORIGINAL Card #9: "Please and Thank You" I'm originally from the south ...
mglenney played TEEN Card #1: "Ladies be trippin" My girlfriends and I went to L...
danidenco played ORIGINAL Card #16: "Hyatt Place Keystone" Although hotels do not always ...
SmithFamilyTempeAZ said something good: "d3bkqwl"
danny.g played TEEN Card #20: "helping a student" During school in my 6th period...
aashley99 played TEEN Card #23: "Study Time" I began to remember that we h...
simranbrar played TEEN Card #14: "MAY 19th, 2018 -SKB" I was in the middle of a conve...
leslieguerrero played TEEN Card #11: "Stop the mean words" I was in lunch and my friends ...
ks29469 played FAMILY Card #16: "Helping Tracy" I treated my friend Tracy to a...
music played TEEN Card #3: "Secret note of Encouragement" My friends are having a friend...
jbirds played FAMILY Card #23: "Flowers for Grandma" Surprising grandma with flower...
Rach played TEEN Card #5: "Saying positive things for a day" I realized from saying positi...
zlutz played TEEN Card #3: "Teacher Appreciation Week" My mom is a teacher so I made ...
Est3ban played FAMILY Card #10: "No technology!" Me and my mother are planning ...
lagunning played TEEN Card #3: "note of encouragement" one of my friends has been str...
LilsuzyB played FAMILY Card #16: "try some iced coffee" I have a coworker that drinks...
bkoszewski said something good: "I teach at Eastpointe High School and I think I ha..."
DatRandomGuyOnTheWeb said something good: "JFQSL8A"
oshea played ORIGINAL Card #4: "My Business Principles Teacher" Out of the blue, my old busine...
charmcarthur played TEEN Card #1: "Lizzy's Inspiration" My niece is on the job hunt: n...
eleanorherpick said something good: "Being in Nashville, surrounded by positive sparks ..."
bonniehickman played ORIGINAL Card #7: "Pick it Up!" I am excited to start using th...
jneeder played FAMILY Card #18: "Time Capsule" This is something I have alway...
ambrinkman played TEEN Card #17: "Feed My Starving Children" This year my family stepped up...
ardowell played TEEN Card #7: "Picking up Garbage" Playing the first card in the ...
Stephanie Szentkuti played TEEN Card #5: "Positivity" When you spend an entire day, ...
sqdancer played ORIGINAL Card #7: "Recycle Trash" Picked up litter on the street...
Igloomkittengirl said something good: "Someone once payed for me and my Lolos meal. It wa..."
jackso91 played ORIGINAL Card #3: "Eighth monday " https://fiftysixmondaysbbc.wor...
lebben played FAMILY Card #3: "Made a fort with my family." My whole family got together a...
mojobean11 played TEEN Card #3: "#3" Put a note in someone’s locker...
The Ruid Family played FAMILY Card #4: "Books galore!" We went through all our books ...
mbambl played ORIGINAL Card #8: "Forgotten Friends" An old friend reached out to m...
l.elizabeth32 played TEEN Card #4: "Half birthday surprise " My friend Cassidy and I got ...
ashaj5 played ORIGINAL Card #12: "Write a *real* letter =)" Wrote a few letters & cards to...
CUBoomBoom played ORIGINAL Card #11: "Joke card" Jokes you find online make the...
servocrank played GREEN Card #1: "Reusable Coffee Mug" I received a reusable coffee m...
J and P played ORIGINAL Card #10: "Fun night out" Went out with my sister and br...
palmerjmp played ORIGINAL Card #4: "Starbucks Coffee " It was early one morning and I...
diane1 said something good: "did it"
TheDavidsons played FAMILY Card #23: "Operation Flower Drop" We decided to "flower" our nei...
Maddy M played TEEN Card #25: "Meeting new people" I love meeting new people so w...
Susan said something good: "I have great friends and a wonderful family. I'm ..."
JJAMO played FAMILY Card #4: "Little Free Library" The card says "Gather all your...
TeamHolman registered Family Deck
aklett13 registered Original Deck
Wandering Wilsons registered Family Deck
parisbrown6 registered Teen Deck
sqdancer registered Original Deck
rachelquitta registered Original Deck
Zuzu played TEEN Card #5 Jan 22, 2020 -- Dallas, Texas
Card played 1 times.
Started on: Jan 22, 2020
Started by: Zuzu
In: Dallas, Texas
Being Nice Has Always Been a Habit
I always say at least two nice things to two different people. From a simple " I love your outfit" to "YOU ARE SUCH A GODDESS AND I SHALL WORSHIP YOU FOR ONE DAY!" It's all about making people smile. One way or another, making someone smile is a usual thing for me. I like seeing people happy. It's like they are their own ray of sunshine, which is what everyone needs in life.
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